Christmas Countdown: 10:00

Since we count in base 10, this is going to get eclectic. Let’s turn it up.

Wild Earp (feat. Sweet Sassy Molassey) tell the sad country tale of “A Christmas Miracle.” About to lose the house: unexpected gas in the tank, leftover pizza in the fridge, and a shoveled path (at 10 A.M.) still amaze. Upbeat, but beaten up.

Fralphie Jenkins has another tragic song. Ten o’clock, the traffic starts to slow Drive all night and hope I make it home. But the “Elf on the Dashboard” is no friend; stuck in the snow with gas station peanuts to eat and a cigarette lighter for heat our intrepid sojourner BLUE ALERT hopes Santa will get presents down the tailpipe. Strap in, this’ll take an alt-pop while.

77 Apes is BLUE ALERT upset about being home: Well Dad called from the tavern said he’ll be home round 10pm, My little brother’s running around naked firing nerf guns in the air: Merry Fucking Christmas it’s Another Family Holiday.” This party is rocking with judgey disdain and distorted reverb.

Home for the Winter” and in bed by 10, Sarah Read (with Theo Davis) play it dull with sparkling altpop.

Adam and Miles (feat. Malcolm Livesey) begin a new tradition one Xmas Eve “Smoking with Santa.” So every Christmas Eve a quarter past ten We blaze it up with Santa and rip again. Childish rap.

Blitzen Trapper’s edgy folk pop might be glad, but bullet holes and car sex aside, Ten o’clock and all is well brackets “Christmas is Coming Soon.”

Colliding imagery as well [Fragile stars and dough in the oven, Sleeping in till half past ten] from Lizzy Hilliard tinkles out the sweet low volume pop “Christmas is.”

Christmas Countdown: 11 etc.

The Hanging Bandits have another “Broke Christmas.” As they are British, they BLUE ALERT plan to jack Santa’s sleigh and take all eleven bags. Materialism sorted with angry pop music.

Trout Fishing in America has a yarn of counting down ten years but it’s “The Eleven Cats of Christmas.” Folky singalong. Get ready.

Sick Animation found a Christmas tree behind a Dumpster and once it’s on the roof of the car “11 Months Away” from the next Xmas, they become ’70s pop prepared for better times. It’s a millennial tale of redemption and iconoclasm i can get behind.

Christmas Countdown: 11 and after

Insidious pop from Megan & Liz do All the counts: I wanna get up at five, Wanna feel like I’m six, Start a party at seven Keep it goin’, keep it goin’ Way past eleven; Wish it was Christmas time All the time!It’s Christmas Time” is approved by Homeland Security to break sanity.

Ne-Yo has the sexy thing going on Xmas night: But its 2 am and we’ve been at it since 11:15. “Open Mine Tonight” is hot R+B in every room, every hour, until the kids show up.

Inca Jones has the regrets of “Another Miserable Christmas.” And its eleven thirty, and I’m feeling dirty Because I cursed you, and hurt you, and made you mad. So, lonely.

This Ain’t New Jersey” is a couple’s last chance in a bar while the snow seals us in for the night. It’s tough times: Eleven thirty, Christmas Eve turning into Christmas Day: I ask you how you’re feeling; You answer ‘I’m aging.’ Hard pop. American tragedy from Smith & Burrows.

It’sChristmas Everydayfor those freaks in the White House according to Snog’s early 2000s political analysis. [Dick Cheney’s in Halliburton heaven Since September Eleven.] Harsh commentary to anthematic pop.

Christmas Countdown: 11 o’clock

[At Least for] A Little While” is a honky tonk song about an odd date: Baby, take me back to Christmas night, It was eleven o’clock when we got high. Good times.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen: Tonight, at this eleventh hour We have a very special treat for you: begins Legs Nose Robinson in a tribute to the Christmas 2013 Dr Who special in which Matt Smith is replaced by regeneration Peter Capaldi. “Goodbye Bowtie” is fun Brit pop.

Perhaps too drunk to appreciate the time of the year, Kristie K slur-raps, You know what’s going to happen When clock show eleven: You’ll be dancing and laughing. “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” doesn’t seem quite so here.

Swinging between adult and childhood, Darryl Rahn folk-pops “I Guess It’s Christmas” about when he’d be up all night to when he’d be sleepin’ ’til eleven. I guess I just grew up. So sad.

Much more Christmassy, “It’s That Time Again” is a bluegrass inflected ditty about standing outside the church It was about eleven, and the service was about to start and wondering about what if Christ were here today, that present for Dad, and what was that light? Rich Krueger’s stream of consciousness is festive.

Christmas Countdown: 12 finally

What’s really strange and 12 and for Christmas?!

On Christmas Eve Salsa Boys saw a twelve-point down the street. So they alt-rock “I’m Gonna Get Me an Elk.” Turns out it was only a metaphor. Weird.

Fed up with capitalism: A week before Halloween–festive cards can be found in isle twelve–Merry Xmas! composclero gets all “Screwge.” Chill, dude, it’s only a cantaloupe.

Twilight Creeps would rather have Halloween, but All I see when I look up are 12 reindeer on Santa’s sleigh. Casting a ghoulish light on the winter fest, “Poison in the Mistletoe” rocks pop music with an evil glee.

12 Angry Reindeer” is a muddled journey by House of Large Sizes. Rant received, but never seem to get out of the garage music.

Even worse is the oppression on the proletariat. Cashleaders raps All this over time and I’m still broke; Got my Christmas bonus looking like it’s bogus: Twelve whole dollars–boy I hope it ain’t blow it! “Christmas Blues” is the fuse on the powdering of the underdog.

Stephen Amick wants “Guitar Lessons for Christmas.” He may be intermediate, claiming I learned twelve songs with just C, D and G, but this off-key folk pop begs to classify him incorrigible.

Christmas Countdown: 12 more

What else is there twelve of for Christmas?

Pop song “Snowman” by Stephen Cohen with Venus XTC mush-mouths the ultimatum: true love or nothing (not even parties or presents or tables for twelve). Building a snowman with her does that, apparently. Talent shines here.

Kylie Minogue don’t want it to be a “Cried Out Christmas” without you. So, her pop song comes with directions: Get in a cab, or just take the blue line; It’s only twelve stops. There’ll be kissing if you make it home to her.

Rodolfo de la Peña in a similar vein wants not to have “Christmas on My Own.” His jazzy pop also gives directions but now they’re to himself: I’d take twelve steps just for one chance To whisper ‘you’re wonderful.’ Wait, that’s a program.

Mekhi Randle raps out 12 wishes from the “Red Sleigh.” These include a water bed, a Benz, but–BLUE ALERT–he’s not happy.

On the positive side Chris Brown raps happy: Feeling good yeah, I’m full of cheer (oh) I’ve been waiting for them 12 reindeer. “This X-mas” celebrates with R+B rhythms.

Boogie woogieing like it’s a real party, Phil Harrison spares no pun in his toe-tapping “Holly Said to Ivy“–But I’m gonna draw the line At twelve drummers drumming!

Getting into the spirit of things King Virtue proclaims: I sing twelve songs for Christmas; If they need more to make right, I’d sing twelve more to cure us. “12 Songs for Christmas” is startlingly spry pop music.

Christmas Countdown: 12:00

What time is it? time for another Christmas song!

Starshine Singers plan for 12:00 “Christmas Eve.” It’s not the present, it’s the presents! Magic! Sassy kidsong.

Grownups have less to look forward to, at times. As the clock strikes twelve, I
Miss your loving touch
, moans Nine Aetheria about the piano pop “Holiday Wishes.” Wants you.

12 o’clock and all is well and I was doing oh so swell, Last year, this time. But now, “Christmas Ain’t Christmas (Without the One You Love),” so say The O’Jays. Doo wop with just a touch of disco.

Alex Jordan jazzes up some gumption when It’s 12 A.M. I’m just off work. On the way home he knows “A Light that Shines on Christmas.” It’s you, honey.

Maudlin Ronny Milsap intones As the church bell chimes about twelve times I slip into my easy chair To watch the fire die to an ember And drift into a winter dream Of a magical night in December And faith in a sight unseen. Middle of the road pop fails to make remarkable “Only One Night of the Year.” Sorry.

Glen Saldahna has better imagery, but When the time comes, and the clock strikes twelve it’s “Christmas in Every Town.” He’s been there and seen it. Pop so what?

Sugies is “Snowed In” but with her caffeinated pop music she’ll do ALL the Christmas stuff. Now it’s twelve in the afternoon and she’ll do a ton more. Exhausting.

Christmas Countdown: 12 hours

Christmas numerology twirls around 12 months, 12 days, and now 12 hours. What’s with this expression?

From the ‘Toyland’ musical Hanna Bielawa BLUE ALERT reveals the tears of an elf in the mad rapping showtune “Merry Christmas for Today.” Notice the elf! Not for twelve hours, but here to play.

Little Jackie applies R+B to the equation when she figures “Mrs. Claus got nothin’ on me: I can do 12 days of Christmas in 12 hours. Superhero music!

ZILF is another pissed elf. Clocking in hasn’t been more than twelve or so, Hours since I last clocked out into the freezing snow and there’s still so much to get done. Metal meets pop in “Red Snow,” a tale of having had enough. (Eliminate the fat red fool!)

Christmas Countdown: 12 months

All I Want For Christmas,” country-drawls Toby Keith, is 12 more months of lovin’. That’s right. Don’t buy the millionaire nothin’.

Broken-hearted (more appropriately for the country music), Merle Haggard remarks that this “Lonely Night” marks twelve long months to remember. And to forget.

Just as worse off (maybe in the next twelve months there’ll be a chance), Broken Fires sighs about a “Winter Warmer” with you in it. Alt folk says it’s a long shot.

It’s been twelve whole months since he’s lost it over you, but Apollo Clone figures “I Deserve Coal” this Xmas for screwing it up with you. Rocking pop.

Jamie Lawson will be home 12 months to the day to see you, but it’ll only be “Footprints in the Snow” for the holidays. That was you walking away. Altpop.

Pounding altpop from She Wants Revenge mourns Christmas time again, the loneliest of all, the fear of how to make it to New Year’s: Raise your glass and toast to the one you miss the most And promise that you won’t be doing this again in twelve month’s time. This “Holiday Song” covers ALL the holidays, all the loneliness.

If you’re counting, Christmas comes every 12 months. Fake Zappa twists kid music into “Baby Santa Claus.” Spoiler alert: the baby born this day ain’t Jesus. Not in this chanting charmer.

Christmas Countdown: 12 days too much

Still counting, even for the wannabes and cliches.

Overenunciated elementary rap from King Ulysses merely lists the aspects of “Christmas in Miami.” 12 days get a shout out. So does everything else.

Caterwauling about Christmas being too late, Something Awful‘s Edward Mass screeches the “Twelve Days” with an apology solo.

Gospel sotto voce from Stello Clark & Solomon James (feat. Marquitta Minniefield) “Christmas Countdown” begins three months out, then proceeds to 12 days before Christmas. All throughout the year I don’t care if you’re feeling your best… ‘cuz here it comes!

12 Santa Babies” applies the excuse of the song’s math to demand more presents (prolly stole the idea from Chanukah). Big band diva sultriness from Dave Keyes and Duchess Di (Diane Cricchio ).

Season’s Greetings” is some corny rap about loving and wanting and needing from Latroy (feat. Unfamiliar Keys). He wants to spend 12 days with you!

Diva pop from Céline Dion: “The Magic of Christmas Day (God Bless Us Everyone),” makes it all about love, not just twelve days in December. Senti&monu-mental.

Cheesy pop makes School Gyrls’ “Twelve Days of Christmas“–12 days to fall in love, btw–a harder sell.

Some are without their bae. “This Christmas (I’m Coming Home)” by Betty Anne and Brian Watts jazz pops (sax echo!) the reunion. After weeks without, he’s looking forward to 12 sunny days with you! Where IS this?

Budak Pantai begins “Hey Baby It’s Christmas” with Jim Croce then extends time out of the bottle and into the pop listing of the birds, etc. Hey baby hey. Decent mashupping.