If you want to break my heart, know we are skating on thin ice. I ain’t a hockey player babe, I won’t put up a fight. But I’ll give you a pass if it’s after the holiday’s. So “Won’t You be My Babe for Christmas.” Kam Stewart’s brassy alt pop is the hesitant love song of the new gen.
So it guess Santa met his missus figure skating. That’s so by Lea Salonga’s “Even Santa Fell in Love.” Sweet, yea syrupy, orchestral pop. Almost kidsong.
Amanda Lehmann hearkens to fairy tales more than to Santa myth in “An Old Christmas Day.” This Celtic inspired pop, Jack Frost will be waiting to go skating with you; Aurora shimmers in the icy view. Blustery cool.
The cast of Bob’s Burgers plug in the rock for “Snowballs and Sledding.” Season 9 Episode 10 will fill in the in-jokes for those who need to know.
Corduroy Road brings us a whole ‘other kind of sledding with the folk-pop “Sled Dog Christmas.” This plaintive noise brings not just winter, but also that big deal holiday, into focus. Blessings.
Ska rock from The Crossing Crew remind us “Hey It’s Christmas.” Hot chocolate, ugly sweaters, and bells take the stage–along with some sledding.
Eric Stone comes on back with “Hang Ten Santa.” He’s just one of the boys in this overly sweet surf rock.
ABC Kids play the Australian card with the kids pop of “Santa’s Coming on a Surfboard.” Some swell guitar way back in there, but it’s pablum for the preteens.
The Dimmer Twins also bring Down Under to the table with “Surfin’ Santa.” This pokey western puts the old guy on the point break at high noon.
Norwegians Naomi & Goro go for a Bossa Nova Christmas with their “Santa on a Surfboard.” Take that back. I am not kidding.
Naw naw naw, no hearts in two–that’s halves. But some Christmas carols feature body parts, which often arrive in twos.
He drinks the milk, He eats the pies, I saw him with my two own eyes, chortles Jay P Jones in the veddy Brit-pop “Because It’s Christmas.” Oy, spotted again, Claus.
How do you deal with a “Christmas Catfish“? Wanna see you with my own two eyes eyes eyes, raps the suspicious Miles A. Good thinking, but how many eyes you got?
It’s snowman time! What goes into a snowman? Two eyes, a nose, we cheer with heavenly fun, Buttons and a top hat, icy toes hollas Alivia Sarah with some gospel country force. “It’s Christmas Time” is the title, so not just winter time.
More precisely, Robbie Bishop advises: And two eyes made out of coal in the rockabilly pop of “Santa, Hitch Up Your Reindeer.” Dance time!
Alternately, If you got snow, throw a ball or two sweetly serenades Tiyi Christopher in the smooth and slow “I Love Ya (This Christmas).” Those are parts too, ya?
Starting out sweetly (self harmony) Karl Werne gets philosophical in his “It’s Christmas.” So share your gifts and understand; It means more from your own two hands. Symphonic lite folk.
Zippy zydeco from Ry Cooder welcomes back the wounded warriors in “Christmas Time This Year.” All I want is two good arms so I can hold my kids, one maintains. That’s a bigger ask than teeth. Holy moly.
We’ve feted reindeers before (May-August 2021), but there’s always a few more songs….
Almighty Banks BLUE ALERT gets to be the nasty Santy in “Merry Christmas.” Rappin ’bout how: I’ll pull up in a sleigh with nine deer just to have them looking. Not sure if that’s sexual, but the rest is.
I suppose you were expecting cornball country! Like, say, Conway Twitty (and Twitty Bird) putting “Nine Little Reindeer” to cowboy quickstep music. well, i say thee nay.
Instead, The Sound of Monday turns Ho ho ho into Hey hey hey with “Lovin’ Santa’s Daughter.” But they’re sneaking’ under nine pairs of hoof (count ’em), so (???) i don’t know. But this surf rock spritely satisfies. So, huh.
Richard Melvin Brown plays soft jazz rock for his entirely serious “Santa’s Ninth Reindeer.” It’s a Rudolph song you probably have never heard. Ready?
Now, i ardently listen to Dr. Demento in the ’70s and could recite the lyrics to Benny Bell’s “Shaving Cream” at will. So, knock me over with a feather when i discovered Joel Samberg had updated this classic into “Holiday Shaving Cream” which includes building models of nine reindeer at night and finding behind them the next morning…
Christmas in Middle-Earth may not feature reindeer, in fact I sent the Nine, not reindeer, Ghosts. Who is this sender? Your clue is the title of the song “Eye See You (It’s Christmas).” It’s Sauron! This completely whack-a-doo Bossa nova delight from Brendan Dalton and The 1740 Boys Choir is the nerdy novelty you never knew you needed. Huzzah, it’s here.
Xmas is the time to dress up. Or is that the weather? Baritone intones in his word jazz opus: you’ve dress to the nines with jewels that sparkle, Now it feels like Christmas, I love… “The First Snow.” Lounge jazz with a Barry White coolness.
Leon Shelly gets more figurative with his “Ideal Paradigm.” This industrial folk wants an angel Under the Christmas tree, Unwrap her decorative paper, Beads of rosary, Dressed to the nines. Holiday ideals.
Coleman Spruce jingles some fine folk/honky tonk pop when he celebrates “It’s Christmas Here, Again.” It’s a fine line when I pour the wine, Be it red or white or nine seems to mark fine dining and partying, but then launches into some odd ‘Christmas Carol’ allusions.
“Jiggy Christmas” includes turkey sizzling with fried rice and Groomsmen more than nine guys. Figure that’s dressing UP. But the Yoruba from Yung Ziggy dresses up the wishes even more.
Cshakuore of Devaune Temple raps “Christmas Everyday” to pleasant Spanish guitar. Seems to be just hangin’, though the braggadocio of sexual prowess keeps coming up. Mentions a tech n9ne, but also Thankin’ Jesus for today now that’s a bar that u can carry For 9 months. Uh huh.
For 9 long months we’ve alone–so Matthew Jordan is ready for even a “Socially Distanced Christmas.” Cheesy pop fun.
Chris Jones wants to make a case ’bout Jo and Mary fleeing the census (with her nine months out) in “No Sanctuary Here,” being ’bout the same as immigrants chased by INS at the border. Smooth blues makes the agenda go down easier.
Klaus Blatter reinvents the Nativity where God wants a son, has the hots for Mary, and (Here We Go!) nine months later… “Christmas Techno Dance.” Outrageous rave music.
More reverently, Henrisoul carib-raps the Nativity as “True Story (A Christmas Story).” [This one no be action film na real life story] the spirit of God na him enter inside the woman wey e give am belle so… Nine months time everybody start to jubilate.
Every fifth song about Christmas mentions the twenty-fifth, so we’re not going to play that game. Here are the NEW RULES for songs with this number: haven’t linked them before, and they’re GOOD. (Gotta be at least a 6.) This way we’ll keep this enumeration to a week of posts.
Ali Lohan comes prepackaged, corporate-approved, and formulated, but “I Like Christmas” is the bouncy mindless pop that meets minimum expectations. I bounced.
“My Christmas” by Louis Leiva may be a tutorial for those not so fluent in English, but this pop declaration marches to a party spirit. Dance!
Begrudgingly, Fresh Breath rolls out “It’s Christmas Time Again.” Old time country rock with a surly attitude when it comes to family: It’s holiday party season, There’s an open bar with a tip jar So I over serve myself And I’m drifting mid-conversation.
Also resigned, Southern Tiers call out It’s finally time to unwrap the best time of the year with lounge-y pop in “Finally Christmas.” Moody, but danceable.
Yoko Oh Yeah gets on the grunge side of folk balladeering while hunting for mushrooms to celebrate, bc–natch–“Santa is a Shaman.” The winter solstice comes for them with three days of darkness On the 25th the sun is born, let’s have a trippy mass. Daylight’s not here, man.