Old Man Christmas

Worth repeating: “When Santa Comes to Santa Cruz” is The Malibooz’s bongo beating bag of brag on the bearded one. Surf rock, natch.

Mushmouthed excitement from Nor’easterners Flooded Cellar. “Santa’s Gonna Roll into Town” seems to elicit much bell ringing. So it’s a big deal.

Spon End Santa” is a local figure of some note (around Coventry, England). David Goody pops the r’n’r to make him sound good.

Australian Santa also seems cool, according to Jim Haynes. “Owyagoin’ Santa Claus” is the question for a proper bruce. Pop.

San Diego Santa” is actually cool ‘cuz he’s on vacation. Durnst & Friends slowly roll out the indie to keep it boss.

Incense Burning on an Open Fire” seems to open the door to Santa adulation. Durand Bernarr sweetly croons the R+B higher and higher.


Funky? Santa?? Boomdaddy starts our journey of discovery with a child’s garden of cool in their “Funky Santa.” Enough soul to appeal to the funk-impaired.

Robert J. Walsh ups the gnarly quotient with “Funky Funky Santa.” Starting to lose control here.

Wookiz layers in the ol’ whisper technique for more “Funky Santa.” A smattering of scat don’t hurt none neither. Unh!

Lee Harris adds sexual innuendo to heighten his “Funky Santa.” He’s a saint’s saint.

White Chimney’s “Funky Santa Claus” leads talky cool to soul-type rap. It’s a fab precursor to ’90s pop.

Bamtone uses more music to muscle up the funk in “Funky Santa.” It works.

Red and Blue simply note that Santa is a “Funky Santa.” So laid back, it’s cool.

The Salmons chant in step and it’s actually pretty funky. Call and response makes him a “Funky Santa.”

Teacher Feature & Rusty Gallant go the disco route to empower their “Funky Santa.” Their talky approach elicits call outs (from me at least). Yeah! Go! Man!

Black Peter

Worth repeating: “Santa’s Got a Zoot Suit” by Dave Rudolph is jazzy blues that beats big band time. Straight from the fridge, daddio.

Eddie Florano is perhaps not as impressed that “Santa Has a New Outfit.” It’s nice, but not superlatively so. Electronic, yet jazz.

The Poptarts don’t quite add elan to The Man when they jazz diva “Santa’s the Man.” I believe them, but my eyes are rolling.

Boss blues from The Christmas Jug Band ladles out how particular our red hero is when it comes to political affiliations. “Santa Don’t Go There.” ‘Nuff said.

From the Mark and Brian Show, however, comes a more convincing “Santa’s the Man.” Not sure who does this, but–woof. Rock. Just rock.

Over the Rhine softens the blues for their “North Pole Man.” Brrr, he’s chill. But they’re diggin’ him.

Babbo Natale

Worth repeating: Martin Mull’s “Santafly” is disco down to funk.

D’modes plugs electric pop into rock while extolling that philanthropist who “Signs His Name with an S.” He’s so cool. {And IT’s cooler than Steve Earle & The Dukes‘s.}

Party the Hut and Friends funks out when detailing the positivity of “Groovy Santa.” The Cat with the Bag, that’s who.

Lounge lizard cool extends to “A Ring-A-Ding-Ding, It’s Santa.” Joel Kopischke smarms up the Big Guy’s rep, but he’s still a member of the Elf Pack. Hey hey–Ho!

Libandano Urfam leans into “Merry Zeppelin” with amateur rockishness. Santa comes off cool, though.

4th Century Bishop of Myra

Worth repeating: And i’ve repeated this before… Adolphe Adam slow blues the story of how Mr. Christmas began in the incomparable “Santa Had a Dream.” Nonstop on repeat, please.

Maybe Santa started as a baby, a “Baby Santa“! Kevin! rocks the idea when this whiskerless, reindeer-milk-drinking infant would bungee down chimneys on his unbmilical cord. Listen to believe.

Joel Kopischke returns with his “Santa Claus Saint Nicholas” (Alexander Hamilton parody). Rap, and yeah. That. Well, a taste of it.

Nicole C Mullen features a spoken word story about the origin of The Winter Presenter in “St. Nick’s Groove.” Tossing gold coins through the window? A miracle!

Nick and Jenny Maciaszek’s “Christmas Legend” begins in the coal mine and follows the dream with lilting folk country. Riding the Harley through the sky… that’s new.

Gary Fjellgaard cowboys up for the time “Santa Put a Saddle on a Reindeer.” That was the moment he got strange enough to become myth. Simple country.

Pere Noel

Worth repeating: Lance Songs does kidsong a favor with loosey goosey word jazz set to a simple beat. “Santa, Eat Your Cookies” is as much invitation as celebration. Hahahaha, ho ho ho ho.

??? garage their appreciation of their ‘friend’ “Santana Claus.” No guitars wielded by this figure, but he’s got gifts.

More confused is the mashup “O Santandoa” from Grammarchist. Global Warming crosses the old Jimmie Stewart Civil War movie. It’s a fun mess.

Four part harmony might mean Jay Stansfield is dead serious about “The Man in Red.” But it feels like fooling around. Altrock fun.

Rayvon raps for Disney in “The Santa Wrap.” Some scratching, some sax. But it’s clean as the down of a thistle.

Pretty indie mushiness from Colin Farish calls out observations about that night with the gentle “Thank You, Santa.” What, you couldn’t make a cookie?


Naughty? Nice? “When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter” all will be made clear. Tex Ritter and his Six Shooters cowboy the soft pop to explain it to you.

Buck Owens and his Buckaroos plug in more electric country to further the edification with “Tomorrow is Christmas Morning.” Swinging.

Lee Harris & the Sour Note Singers takes us by the boogie woogie “Way Up North.” Guess who’s waiting up there?

Nancy Hanson unravels sprightly bluegrass for her “Santa is Coming.” Sounds like down home.

The Surfers’ “Hawaiian Santa” is even cooler with his accoutrement (and his penchant for surfing!). The Surfers make a hula of this praise.


Worth repeating: all-Rush Mixtape posit a Bread parody with “The Santa Man.” Soft rock paints you a chapter.

A Beatles’ deep dive brings Colin & AJ to “Because.” It’s homage in an ironic age. Love it.

The Mavericks’ party blues-rock the retro with “Santa Does.” Toy time is the right time. Hoorah.

Piano bar lounge jazz bebop from Ralph Burns: my roof is his runway--! “Santa Claus is Near” is nearly a showstopper.

Santa Claus Is Comin Tonight” is Tom Dudley Blues Buddha dropping boogie rock about dropping off the presents. Hold on tight.

Right Jolly Old Elf

Worth repeating: The Tinseltown Players over-orchestrate kidsong to a classic big band elevation with “When Santa Claus is Flying Through the Air.” It’s the tick-tock percussion that sells it.

That famous old guy who comes to visit on Christmas Day is bio-ed in kidsong from Maple Leaf Learning’s “His Name is Santa Claus.”

Sammy Kaye and His Orchestra (Vocal By The Kaye Choir) shows how to jazz the kiddies without compromising musical integrity with the old-fashioned “Santa, Santa, Santa Claus.” Old fuzzy-face makes an appearance as judge/jury/giftacutioner.

Mary (New Zealand All Girl Band) is sweet on the “Big Boy.” Can’t wait to see him. Seductively swaying sweet pop.

Hyperbole helps out Oscray’s gentle indie pop “Santa is Magical.” The mundane life of mall-going and nostalgia takes flight with this earnest harmony.

The Goons at Something Awful know how to ironically challenge kidsong as with Dr. Cogwerks’s whispery pop “The Story of Santa.” It’s not just a matter of English fluency, it’s weird. There’s murderous revenge in there. Oh well.

Father Christmas

Eddie Florano’s “Santa Claus is in Town” is celebratory Philippine rock about just how Santa he is. Happy happy happy.

Jamie Callum rails full lounge with “The Jolly Fat Man.” How cool is Santa? cool cool cool.

Have You Heard the News?” inquires Koko Taylor through funky marshy blues. It has something to do with Santa coming to town…. Can i get a Go to sleep!

New age indie from Adam Follett also praises his frostiness in “Me Encanta Santa.” Mystical warbling.

The award for most laid back chill might have to go to Mr. Otis Gibbs’s bluegrass folk “Mr. Santa Claus.” I have a weakness for this kinda fiddlin’.