
The Pizza Carolers occupy their time with tons of chores (catching up on the nice behavior) “When Christmas Happens.” Indie rock that is NOT off putting.

By 4 A.M. it becomes apparent to Willie Sterba that sleep isn’t coming. Sadly, for this caffeinated kidsong, it’s “The Nights Before Christmas“–starting around the 20th or so. By the end a toll is taken.

The Yule Logs return! Or are around still, since Christmas keeps them “Up All Night.” Totally danceable rocking pop. Our anthem.


Pat Boone keeps me up at nights with his velvety crag-voice trudging through carols like “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.” Santa Claus versus Sandman, quoth he with easy-listening woodwindery.

10,000 mile away from home/I cannot sleep, I cannot sleep retro rocks The Yule Logs with a jet lag concern during “Christmas in Berlin.” Life on the road!

Vista Blue rocks the garage with the eyelid struggle in the superior “Why Does It Take Forever?I can’t ever fall asleep/When it’s Christmas Eve!


Welcome back to Big Little Lions and their charming indie “Waiting for Christmas Day.” Can’t sleep a wink….

Paisley Manger takes a page out of the frivolity of Flight of the Conchords with “Christmith 222” wherein a bouncy child won’t sleep. Turn down that sound machine and see what happens.

Raleigh Long pounds the piano to get across how he can’t get to sleep anymore, what with it being “Christmas Eve” and all. Dreamlike and soothing, so–ironic?


Waxing nostalgic Jaqueez (feat. Lil Reign) R+B raps I remember the days (Days)/I used to stay up late/Waitin’ on Santa to bless the hood (Yeah) in the poetical “It’s Christmas.” To be a child again is to make poor choices that seem great later.

“Ting a Ling a Jingle” is a jolly 1950s lullaby about a child who won’t sleep. Frank Luther introduced it as a big band frolic. Concurrently The Marlin Sisters lead us into a corrido effect. While at the same time The Ames Brothers (with Marty Manning & his Orchestra) butch it up to much the same effect. Imma stay with Junior Walsh, who countrified this number so hard it’s dad gum Celtic Old Country is what it is.

Cruel Buddhist, M.Du, Cocoonics DJ the lofi of “Didn’t Sleep Last Night” into a hypnotic cacophony of dreamtime. I’M UP!


The subject of sleep rears its pillow this time of the year, ‘cuz kids who are excited for Xmas morn do not want to succumb to Sandmen. They twist and turn and fidget and flip out, rather than nod off. That lack of sleep bears some consequences we’ll delve into next month. For now, let us address this potentially brain damaging behavior.

Welcome back Carbon Leaf with the “Christmas Child” who will lie awake (for a whole week?) to some excellent blue grass breakdown pop. Diggit.

Amy Grant comes out with it: “Still Can’t Sleepon Christmas Eve. No country in evidence, just pop music. For kids. Okay.

How can I sleep whenHere Comes Santa” belabors Christmas Choir’s Murgatroyd & Burrell. Operatic kidsong. Waiting on an answer here….


Vincent Von Vegga’s gangsta rap “Nightmare on Christmas” is all sorts of bad news. No wakin’ up from dis.

Mad Pigs metals out “City of Nightmare” completely missing out on all the joy the holidays bring to the wealthy few.

Dr. BLT’s “Nightmare B4 Christmas” was of the breakup variety. Country complaining makes it palatable. That, and he actually woke up after all.


KidCrusher raps BLUE BLUE ALERT with “The Christmas Nightmare (Grinch Rap 2013).” No fun for anyone.

A Nightmare after Christmas” by way of Crazy Toads is a metal rap of inconsequential proportions. Some BLUE ALERT fun.

DoomFolk StarterKit gives us a folk tour of “Christmas in Nightmare City.” Not so bad, really. (I prefer this to Advance Base’s uncertain original.)


Stormeezy raps out his “Christmas Nightmare” although he seems replete in weed and stuff. What’s so nightmarish?

Dagger Blade’s “Christmas Nightmare” is more straightforward death metal. Self contained.

Brian Maull posts “The Great American Christmas Nightmare” from the Howard Stern Show. Apart from ripping of ‘Holly Jolly’ i can’t tell what public figure they’re skewering.