I am Santa Claus

Worth another listen: Obvi we have to recycle the Black Sabbath parody “I am Santa Claus,” but we’ve already heard Bob Rivers. Other, more metally rockers, weigh in, like The Juggling Potatos.

JunyTony’s kidsong “I am Magic Santa” gives ear to the other side of the aisle. Here, the gifts are wishes for seeing dinosaurs and going to space. Hyper.

The other side of the triangle might be the lounge ballad “My Name is Christmas” by way of Scott Scovill (featuring Hanne Sorvaag). Is it Santa or a personification of a day?! Smarmy!

Super Alvarez Bros. indie up some mysticism with “Have I Told You Lately That I’m Santa?” Para-psychedelia that makes you wonder. (Beware the ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ sampling!)