Right Jolly Old Elf

Worth repeating: The Tinseltown Players over-orchestrate kidsong to a classic big band elevation with “When Santa Claus is Flying Through the Air.” It’s the tick-tock percussion that sells it.

That famous old guy who comes to visit on Christmas Day is bio-ed in kidsong from Maple Leaf Learning’s “His Name is Santa Claus.”

Sammy Kaye and His Orchestra (Vocal By The Kaye Choir) shows how to jazz the kiddies without compromising musical integrity with the old-fashioned “Santa, Santa, Santa Claus.” Old fuzzy-face makes an appearance as judge/jury/giftacutioner.

Mary (New Zealand All Girl Band) is sweet on the “Big Boy.” Can’t wait to see him. Seductively swaying sweet pop.

Hyperbole helps out Oscray’s gentle indie pop “Santa is Magical.” The mundane life of mall-going and nostalgia takes flight with this earnest harmony.

The Goons at Something Awful know how to ironically challenge kidsong as with Dr. Cogwerks’s whispery pop “The Story of Santa.” It’s not just a matter of English fluency, it’s weird. There’s murderous revenge in there. Oh well.