Damn that Holiday: Hell.11

Sheri Miller enlists Celtic tonality with her folky reverence “Merry Christmas, Jesus, It’s Been One Helluva Year.” It’s plaintive, but in a gospel-ly way.

Rapping a sad story, Newland misses her: Man I ain’t been no help; She text me told me get my life –Oww or I’ll catch hell.Don’t Feel Like Christmas” makes it personal.

Another Rotten Christmas” from Bright Kelly seems colder and darker ‘cuz he’s missin’ you, hon. I wish you were a helluva lot closer, he warbles with R+B pop.

I don’t always get the K-pop. When a song advises: Trying to take sleeping pills just because you are lonely? Oh please don’t–hell no, thats so wasting your Christmas, I have to wonder what the demographic really is. “새해까지 크리스마스” [English Version] by 모몽크루 is ‘Christmas ‘Til New Year.’ Hopeful? It IS pop.