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Henny Queenz gets a second chance with her rapped “Christmas Season.” I mean she suggests read a book. Is that a new theme for me to build a month of Xmas songs around, or what?!

Worn Out Skates” may not feature any skating, but lots of heartbreak. Heavy strings in alt pop makes Happy Heartbreak all that and a bag of tissues.

Jada is so in love she’s skating on a cloud. Her “Christmas Love” is checking, decorating, and making snow angels in the driveway. Really loud soul.

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Trying to make it through this snowy “Time of Year” Gabriel Gassi raps and R+Bs about skating on thin ice with you. Listen, gurl, you’ve got ’til the end of the song to change your mind.

Guess it’s more like a dirge than a carol, concludes Brittany Ann Tranbaugh in sassy country pop that deals with a breakup. There’ll be no skating, now. And “The Christmas Flannel” shirt she got YOU–she’s keeping that. Nice coping mechanism! Great tune.

Francis Blume half yodels, half warbles through the old timey country trembler “For the Holidays.” He wants to kiss you! He likes spending time with you: Like the time that we went ice skating drunk and you slipped and nearly broke your Ask me what I’m doing for the Holidays. Ask him!

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Jenny Alien slips in some BLUE ALERT with her clubby EDM “Skating Rink.” She’s failing at clubbing, but lives next to that icy palace. Something’s not working. Except the hot mess of a song, that slaps.

Sport Game gets more gnarly garage with “Figure Skating.” Seems reflective. Can’t really tell.

Wovoka Jr. tries some “Star Skating” but loses me somewhere around Saturn. New age-y alt explorations of hypnotic strength.

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Blippi presents the tutorial “Let’s Go Ice Skating.” Slick pop kidsong which insists falling is okay. Zamboni solo!

Rachel Rambach (Listen & Learn Music) endeavors to entertain the wee ones with “Skating ‘Round the Rink,” more kidsong but without lessons. Just doing it.

Kahika is just “Skating Through,” or getting by, draping along, or muddling through… you know, managing somehow. Almost reggae inspired jazzy slow pop.

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Marcus Buddy Vincét recommends “Ice Skating” as a palliative for grief in this experimental jazzercise. Eerie.

Håkon Lervåg uses “Ice Skating” as a crowbar to demolish his relationship in this quiet folk cry for help.

Tod Got Overexcited! comes to the rescue with “Ice Skaters Lovers Time,” a song about Christmas and Santa and voyeurism and awkward moves (and vocals). Bebopping pop. Just what i needed.

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Little Baby Bum and Friends narrates how “Ice Skating” is such good fun. Kidsong pontification.

Muddying the waters, Eric Evans raps out the problems he’s got with you “Ice Skating.” Get it off the rink, son.

Sherwin Sleeves and Roy Harter grate out the horror, the horror of skating down the stream in the genre-smashing “The Christmas Skater.” Is it a train? A bad breakup? The encroaching darkness that will swallow us all?

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Romance and skating on ice are nearly one and the same in the R+B (hoo, hoo hoo hoo, hoo) singalong “Christmas Wishin’” from David Davis. Holla.

Different Boats is in the friend zone, however, after mixed signals from skating. “Season of Sadness” is a maudlin rap without lashing out in anger. Sorry for your heart. (Crash cart! Stat!)

Connie Landers dredges up the ol’ ’60s rock’n’roll with “I’m Gonna be Warm This Winter.” That sleigh ride helped, but the ice skating cinched it.

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The trees sway, the lights shine, the people skate… oh, yeah, and “Bells are Ringing.” Above average pop from Bella Nicole to get you in the holiday spirit.

Peachy Keen has music for your dance moves. Do the reindeer! Do the elves in the workshop! Do the ice skate! Hard pop for “Christmas is Coming.” Nearly gospel.

Do a slow one now! Kristof X Tóth Réka practice their English with “Dancing Snowflakes.” In this off kilter pop THEY are the snowflakes, on skates, on the rink. In love (i think). Aww.

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If you want to break my heart, know we are skating on thin ice. I ain’t a hockey player babe, I won’t put up a fight. But I’ll give you a pass if it’s after the holiday’s. So “Won’t You be My Babe for Christmas.” Kam Stewart’s brassy alt pop is the hesitant love song of the new gen.

So it guess Santa met his missus figure skating. That’s so by Lea Salonga’s “Even Santa Fell in Love.” Sweet, yea syrupy, orchestral pop. Almost kidsong.

Amanda Lehmann hearkens to fairy tales more than to Santa myth in “An Old Christmas Day.” This Celtic inspired pop, Jack Frost will be waiting to go skating with you; Aurora shimmers in the icy view. Blustery cool.

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CJ Soul (feat. Jasmyne the Flower) takes reality in stride when Xmas has “Cali Vibes.” There’s nothing like the snow machines at Disney; Hope the Queen Mary ice skating rink ain’t too busy, Cause we bouta get our skate on. Travelogue rap.

Brett Eldredge’s “Mr. Christmas” is NOT Santa Claus, but he seems to be your sugar daddy. ‘Cuz he’s in big band love with you (you’re skatin’ circles round his heart), and he wants to make your spirit bright. This sizzles.

Distance creates its own reality. When Maye is far away, she wants to “See You This Christmas.” With powerful diva pop (excellent pipes) she wants to go ice skating even though you are awful at it. Bring a camera!