Sick of Christmas: pyrexia

Not well around Christmas? Let me feel your forehead with a nog-crusted back of my hand! You’re hot! (Not in the good way.)

Charlelie Couture funks up the American rock with a pop “Christmas Fever.” You listen, you catch it.

Nicovia and Larix actually name “Christmas Fever” with their list of Kringley symptoms. Soul pop.

Rob Vallier goes a bit jazz-easy listening with his “Christmas Fever” about his lovey dovey.

Carneta Geiss and Anita Sablik are simply pop with their “Christmas Fever.” It’s on the radio, every TV show. Find a cure!

Paul and Richard Freitas sang the parody “Christmas Fever” back in 1957, but got made into a Timmy Christmas doll for a 1981 rerelease.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: again?!

Mopping up the repetition, we reach the bottom of the barrel–dense, rich muck. These songs all bear a re-listen. (It’s what you do with Christmas music.)

Erin Oeschel parodies Lourdes with “Carols.” Snarky kid hates it all.

Youth groups of the three Amish-Mennonite sister churches in the Huchinson, KS area, Center, Cedar Crest, and Arlington gether in the form of four young men who parody ‘O Christmas Tree’ with “Oh Christmas Tree Parody.” It’s apostrophe, but funny, ‘cuz they’re SINGING to a TREE.

98.7 KLUV’s Jody Dean Singers knock me out with “Play that Christmas Music White Boy.” Parody supreme.

Presents of Mine: rewrap

Previously posted songs must be rementioned during this time of wrapping the presents.

Certainly the charmless Aquayemi-Claude Garnett Two Thousand Akinsanya’s “Wrapping Up Presents by the Christmas Tree” needed be repeated. But this party remix tries so much harder. Not sure anything got wrapped here….

Brilliant parodies from The Mistletones and an uncredited post by Leight Press mock M.C. Hammer with “Can’t Wrap This.” Now that’s funny.

Duncan G also retros the pop with a Devo spin on “Wrap It.” Har har har har.

First and second place, however, go to genius Joel Kopischke for “Hopeless Wrapper” (Mumford and Sons), and (drumroll, please) a parody of George Michaels that has to be heard to be believed.

Presents of Mine: poor parodies

Since we cry with a smile in our tragi-country, some flat out parodies of songs mock the paupers.

The obvious choice here is ‘I’ll be Home’ shortchanged into “I’ll be Broke for Christmas.” The best of these burdensome bits is from Robert Lund. Best here means well done, not good.

I do love the ‘Summertime’ takeoff from A Stone, “I’ll Be Broke for Christmas.” This is cool, fool, and you’ll rule the yule with just a molecule of this school.

Presents of Mine: shopping mockery.99

Previously on…

Chris Townsend demands we “Keep on Shopping in a Free World.” Take that, Neil Young!

Bob Rivers jokes on Purple Haze to give us “‘Scuse Me, I’ve Got Gifts to Buy.”

My favorite already posted shopping parody is genius Joel Kopischke’s “Shopping Mall of Broken Dreams.”

Can Christmas shopping be super cool? Check out Benny Grunch and the Bunch nasally laying out the blues with the relaxed acceptance of professionals. “I Bought Presents” includes a bottle, baby.

Presents of Mine: shopping mockery.01

Deja views–

Black Friday has been subsumed into the digital world and we can barely remember the frenzied line-standing anymore. Like who remembers Rebecca Black’s only hit from 2011? Ally Hills takes us back with “Black Friday.” Shopping as warfare.

Shop Around” means something different to The Mistletones than it does to The Miracles. Go go go!

Dan and son team Meet the Bullens trick up Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’s hit to reach “Christmas Thrift Shop.” Goodwill to men.

Anthropomorphic Snow Sculpture: funny 5

Is a magical snowman a manifesttion of insanity?

The analogy of troubled waters is “Like a Snowman with Arthritis.” No snowmen are considered, only literary figures. Suffer along with Joe Soko’s folk lament (and his bird’s huge afro).

It probably didn’t happen. You just imagine it. You were drunk. “Man V. Snowman” is the country ballad of Marc Schaefgen snowball fighting an imaginary enemy. He loses.

Time to get down and get frosty. Plastic Snow imagines a whole band fronted by “Rock ‘n’ Rolling Snowman.” Rock, yes… but pretty pedestrian.

Alt rock worries Ratboy Jr. who can’t get rid of their “Never Melting Snowman.” Is there juicing? (Be advised of funny voices [incl. Bob Dylan bit].)

Me & The Snowman” may be another imaginary friend (with John Wilkes Boothe), but this pop jingle from Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club rocks the family folk ’70s demographic.

Unfortunate humor from Rankin/Bass. Their 1979 ‘Jack Frost’ stop motion Xmas special didn’t recapture lightning in a bottle (again)–even with the intro song from Buddy Hackett.

I’m Your Baby (You’re a Snowman)” by Sequelcast parodies ‘Call Me Maybe’ and all other taste in the world by making the execrable Michael Keaton ‘Jack Frost’ horror/family/comedy into a musical. You’ll never be ready for this non-professional entry, so here goes

Shark Uppercut has an even better tale of the man into snow with “Alan Alda the Snowman.” This electronic soft pop even refers to itself as a novelty song. Love that meta!

Anthropomorphic Snow Sculpture: funny 4

Not all Xmas parodies hit the mark.

Norman Grey and Heidi Davis take on Metallica’s ‘Enter Sandman’ with “Enter Snowman.” All the ingredients, but the cake didn’t rise.

Chris Everett has more fun if not more success with “Livin’ la Vida Snowman” for Seattle’s KUBE comedy Christmas song contest.

Unfortunate is what we call the Beach Boys take for Mariah Carey’s “Lil Snowman.” Shiboobee, indeed.

The talented Joel Koptische hits ’90s nascent rap slightly more funnily with his parodic “I’m Your Snowman, Baby.” Ice ice.

Anthropomorphic Snow Sculpture: funny 2

Not every snowman is cause for celebration. “A Snowman Stole My Wife” gives Little Red Ambulance brief joy, then cold reality sets in. Funny country pop.

Angry from your shunning, TV’s Kyle gives you a faceful of “Snowman” with pop music malaise. Thanks for the mortality check,  FuMP!

Uhh, one more Frosty parody. Or so.

Macchendra has gone to the trouble to play “Frosty the Snowman” backwards and attempted to transcribe the backmasked lyrics. Don’t do drugs!

Anti-frosty comes from the sad singing of Robert (‘Dr. Bob’) Blake who claims “Our Snowman wasn’t Frosty.” These kids had unrealistic body expectations from TV.

Chillaz’s “Clint Frostwood” pokes at their own ‘Clint Eastwood’ song. Hip hop happiness.

Asian Glow muscles up a Taylor Swift parody of ‘Trouble Trouble Trouble’ probably entitled: “Frosty Frosty Frosty.” Yes, funny.

Anthropomorphic Snow Sculpture: kids 2

Can we get cool for the kids? Snowman songs i can get behind.

Phranc wonders about the flexibility of the frosty one, i mean does the “Hanukkah Snowman” dress the part? Folk figure it out. Oh ho ho.

Frosty’s brother comes to us from South of the border. Lana Rae sings “Henry the Snowman” for the left out siblings.

Pop fun from Rosenshontz chanting out “Snowman” jazzy fun until you have to join in, or run.

Hip hop for the baby “Snowman” is as surprising as you’d think. RhapCD is in it for the young.

Uptempo jazz for the wee, “Mister Snowman” from Kathy Belmont and Michelle Amato grooves.

A highly fashionable song for the preschool rabble would be “Once There was a Snowman” as presented by Lori Ann Stewart. Very short, saccharine, and pithy. I mean, what’s the deal with the embedded lesson of All Things Die? Can’t kids just watch a Disney movie to learn that?

But the irony is not lost on Klaus Schwietzer whose “Nihilist Performance of ‘Once There was a Snowman’” introduces tots to a sense of humor at least.

InsideOut A cappella has hit gold with their take off–a history of music odyssey entitled “Once There Were Some Snowmen.” A few years later they even added a isn’t-that-enough? sequel (i like it more) “In the Sun They Melted (Snowmen II).” This is for the kids, but it makes me happier than they.