Damn That Holiday: Armageddon.11

Keep Tucson Sketchy has an after-the-bomb holiday album offer with “Christmas Songs for the Apocalypse.” A moment or two of fun.

Foster Gray & The JJs amateur rock the concept with their meandering “Christmas Apocalypse.” Someone’s coming for your gifts. Seem to be amusing themselves.

Apparently professional voice -over mocksmen RiffTrax (li’l sis is a big fan) has a glee club called RiffTones. Their “Apocalypse Christmas” faces down marching zombies, The Robot War, and spider soldiers. But it’s still the holidays in this punchy dirge. That’s right, this time it’s funny.

Damn That Holiday: Armageddon.3

Bummertrash gets us back to the garage with their shoulder chipping “Joy to (The End of) the World.” Something’s got their goat. BLUE ALERT

Billy Reece is in Pandemic panic with his jazz band “Christmas at the End of the World.” Go grab some ammo… and dance!

Bemoaning the gloom-and-doomsayers, Tampa Stan wants to know, when the end comes “Which Hill Do We Meet On (& Who’ll Bring the Beer)?” From a Christmas album, but not exactly in the spirit–though a suggested remedy for hemorrhoids (asteroid colliding with Earth) is quite generous.

In Providence is looking for his nuclear winter girl while the bombs are whistling their tune in the haunting “End Times.” But, it’s Christmas! La la, lala lala….

Damn That Holiday: Armageddon.1

Absolute Studios play on REM’s hit with their own office shouting match “It’s the End of the World (And It’s Christmas).” Went to some trouble listing our early 2010s woes. Nostalgic, almost.

Al Axy performing “End Of The World (Christmas Version)” has only a couple lines altering it from the original un-Christmas version. And it seems maudlin pop upbeat for all the doom-crying. Oh, well.

Jay Stansfield’s “A Good Last Christmas” is zippy pop of romantic propositions, while the dead are walking and Santa is chasing children with his face half hanging off. Not evocative enough? Listen for the epilogue’s sound effects.

Sad Dad is not joking around with “Christmas at the End of the World.” This new age pop poem spins up the possibilities in the null set. Nice.

Damn That Holiday: Armageddon.0

Whether the end of the world is following the Xian timeline or the Devil’s ultimate gimme… it’s going to hurt like hell.

Covered some of this before when the Mayan calendar ran out for 2012. Some good endtimes.

Gentle folking makes “Christmas at the End of the World” go out with a whimper (not a bang). Tom Stone guides us through the ennui and happy nihilism that may or may not be the themes of our current days.

Marty Skinarty returns us to the Mayan prophecy (dude, they just ran out of calendar writing tools) with the adorably folk-pop “Happy Christmas (It’s the End of the World.” Lots of fun theories here: robots, aliens, killer bees, or Mexicans.

Damn that Holiday: Hell.11

Sheri Miller enlists Celtic tonality with her folky reverence “Merry Christmas, Jesus, It’s Been One Helluva Year.” It’s plaintive, but in a gospel-ly way.

Rapping a sad story, Newland misses her: Man I ain’t been no help; She text me told me get my life –Oww or I’ll catch hell.Don’t Feel Like Christmas” makes it personal.

Another Rotten Christmas” from Bright Kelly seems colder and darker ‘cuz he’s missin’ you, hon. I wish you were a helluva lot closer, he warbles with R+B pop.

I don’t always get the K-pop. When a song advises: Trying to take sleeping pills just because you are lonely? Oh please don’t–hell no, thats so wasting your Christmas, I have to wonder what the demographic really is. “새해까지 크리스마스” [English Version] by 모몽크루 is ‘Christmas ‘Til New Year.’ Hopeful? It IS pop.

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OKXO is racing ennui against malaise with the upbeat “Hell of a Christmas.” You don’t really care If the world ends tomorrow he maintains, so forget the whole thing. Huh, kids today.

Joe Dolezal swings pop around the world. They seem to have Christmas every where. Then he belts out “Do They Have Christmas in Hell?” Check with Trip Advisor.

Could it get any worse? Ask Two-Ton Santa! The paperboy hanged his cat! To learn more meanness check out “Merry Christmas From Hell.” Unplugged lite rock.

The Ultimate Boon” is The Mystery Fax Machine Orchestra’s cutie-pie spinout of frustrations and desperations for the holidays. And Jan. 12… and Mar. 22…. guess it’s interminable. –oh no, the title is more sinister than we thought.

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Miller also hates this time of the year. “Merry Christmas From Hell” is blowsy blues that spreads the pain.

Mixing up the two holidays, Type O Negative posits that “Halloween in Heaven” is Christmas in Hell. The rocking metal might make you into a believer.

Mr Irish Bastard has a cussy grudge agin’ ye and hopes you spend “Christmas in Hell.” BLUE ALERT Celtic yelling.

Crawford Smith croons a pop wiki about “Christmas in Hell” which includes not just demons and serpents, but Cerberus and Chiron. Baal and Mammon are also name checked. It takes an underworld.

Damn That Holiday: Satan.9

Greedy greedy kiddos may as well be “Sitting on Satan’s Lap.” Smee delivers again with peppy pop. Boy, that list goes on and on. How does The Evil One have the patience to listen to all that?

Mortuary claims I am Satan in the slow rap “Halloween on Christmas.” Inclusivity can go too far.

Merry Christmas Satan” from Night Smoker is more of his greetings to you than sucking up to his forked tongue. Short hard metal rock.

Terry Silva picks at a sore i’ve been worried about. If JC’s appearance opened the way for forgiveness from grievous sin, what’s to stop an enterprising young nogudnik from transgressing (as in BLUE ALERT: Worship Satan’s cock), then seeking forgiveness again and again. “Christmas Songs” may not settle that quandary, but the wound is flowing freely now thanks to his subtle pop.

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Alfred pieces together “Curtain Call 2, Satanic Imagery” with busted rhymes like We don’t want Satanism in hip hip hip hop. This time it’s earnest.

IceGoat holds anti-Mass with the metallic “Satan Claws.” We may no longer be in Christmas, Toto.

Mark Lavigne whispers out the prayer “Satan, I Want Her for Christmas.” Indie pop with no looking back.