X Files-mas: Gojira

This city-sized monster debuted in motion picture form nearly 70 years ago and melted our hearts world-wide with its atomic flame breath. Rumors taint the icon as a rip-off and wannabe, but we root for him to save us from worse. He’s OUR monster. Or kaiju (gesundheit).

The Towels party up the place with “Godzilla Christmas,” a retrospective rocker that introduces us nicely. Escape to America!

Three Day Threshold dramatize “Santa Versus Godzilla” with kicky folk pop. Despite torpedos and reindeer attack formation, the Great Gifter seems outmatched. Then the caroling begins….

Reefus Monns ups the folk quotient for “The Devil, Godzilla, and Me (At Christmas).” This sing-along barely includes Godzilla (there’s also Cliff Richard, a horseman of the Apocalypse, the Pope, and a turkey) and seems an exercise in kaleidoscopic allusions. But, what fun.

While we’re weird, The Submensas present “Godzilla’s Gift of Life.” This BLUE ALERT rocks the figurative language so we’re not sure if the monster is paganism, commercialism, or just bad music.

The Benefit finally paint our menace in a warm light. “Godzilla Saves Christmas” narrates a Kaiju fight between Rodan and ‘Goji’ that’s keeping Santa from his purpose. Then, well you saw that title. Slow pop.