Christmas Countdown: 3 and down, or up

Frozen Black Rose follows four mooks in a nudie bar with 3, 2, 1 days until Christmas Eve in the folk-pop “Merry (Les Miserables) Christmas.” It’s a testament to how awful we all are. Enjoy!

When conducting the Quaddy Junior Chuoir one must count: we go after three, yeah, Yeah, a one a two a one a two a one a two a one two three–Its Christmas! So, “Christmas Time, Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas” by Tim Johnson -Hull becomes staccato, repetitive, a marching tune of pop music. But, they’re on beat.

Uncertainly, Wapgang (feat. Carter Morrissette) counts through the rounds of “How the Grinch Copped Christmas” to keep the beat. Doesn’t work. Strange experimental song results.

Speaking of experimental… John David Lees sets Santa to flying, and SAILING [Racing out across the sea Ships drift by: One two three] to get the presents distributed. “Going to be Fine This Christmas Time” may be sampling ‘I Saw Three Ships’ or it may just be tweaking. Cool.

Antithetically, “X-Mas in Hell” by Sixx AM chronicles a diarist giving three reasons for writing in a diary, naked, under a Christmas tree, ODing. Spoken over metal.

Lowdy (feat. Shin Bia, Emily Sung, Khai & Zensang) is counting blessings: One time for the family, Two times for the friends, Three times for the people that always got your back no matter what you’re going Through. “Dear Christmas” is easy listening rap, though. Messy.

McKenna Noh can’t wait for your flight to arrive, so she prettily pop counts while Watching every snowflake falling like One, two, three (Two, three) in “Eve.”

Full of love and happiness, Patrick Vargas announces it’s “Christmas Time” 1, 2, 3, go! Rocking pop with a nice backbeat.

Shy Boyz are willing to share “The Meaning of Christmas.” Stand back… I know the meaning of Christmas now, Here we go, you ready guys, 3, 2, 1… blast off! Don’t let this R+B pop fool you, the meaning is actually

The kid telling the tale of “Selfie With Santa” is lying in wait Xmas night. At the right moment he’ll ambush and say, Well on the count of three give me that magic smile. Big band fluffiness.

As a charming bridge in “The Day After Halloween (It’s Christmas Again)” Hidden Horizon stops rocking to yell out Nice sled brother, Let’s go to the hill, 1 2 3 Go. Look out below! Worth it to include this gem.

Gonna put some ornaments on the tree, And at the count of three, We gonna see the lighting, sings Christafari in a fine Reggae rendition of “Deck the Halls.” Ya, mon.

Vinny the Comb calls on us to “Recycle Christmas” tongue in cheek. He rocks on sending back the cards, watering down the whiskey to redrink, and We’ll gather up all Frosty’s balls Stack them one two three.