ad silentnitum, uninterrupted

More… more… more— Xmas songs about more Christmasses.

Give “Another Christmas” a chance! The Front Porch Country Band bebops their country pop to silly heights (whistling solo!) to win you over.

Gotta replay “Another Christmas 78rpm” from Martin Rivas for lots of reasons: it’s not the Victrola feel you were expecting, it’s appropriately sentimental, it’s almost uncategorizable. Call it prog rock.

Holly Auna gets emo-boy with a fine folk-pop country love song, “Another Silent Night.” Here, the ‘nother is one more notch on the missing you stick. Sad-ish.

Melodic death goth delivers unto us “Another silent Night.” Coincidence? No! This is more gloom, this time with extra scary. 26z whispers us to a frenzy.