Follow That Star

Find that savior, find that savior, find that savior! You’ll get a new way of spending Sundays, a hashtag, a paid holiday on 12/25… just follow that star!

Children’ll do it. “We’ll Follow That Star” is attributed to Songs for Children. They sing great, too. A sprightly kidsong march.

Look up! calypsoes The Starshine Singers, so you can espy “The Brightest Star in the Sky.” Might as well follow it, as–well–that’s a thing, innit? Then they clean up their act and sing “Following the Star.” It’s like part two.

Rise Up Shepherd and Follow” is pretty much the whole hymn (add in a Star of Bethlehem ref), here simplified in tutorial form by Charles Elmer Szabo. Thanks.

Odd alt from MusicBodySpirit, which cautions us to follow “The Christmas Star 2020.” Perhaps this is irony.

It’s a love thing! Ashley Lagunas goes alt-pop with a romantic ballad about how “Following the Star” will get her nearer to You. Aww.