Consume-mas Quantities: taco navidad

Did someone say Christmas sandwich? No? How about a Xmas taco?!

Tyler Conroy and his comical AcaTaco Bell car-load of friends serenades drive-thrus with his home-grown hits like the “Original Taco Bell Christmas Song” with such youthful self-amusement you may become impatient with his benign, cheerful prankishness. Or you could laugh along.

David P. Ford works hard at “Christmas Taco” as if it were a gift for a little girl. (It was.) The accented singing is a bit cringe-inducing, but it hits all the song basics.

Hot Dad has more fun with “A Taco Bell Christmas” while producing an actual song. Granted it’s more commercial than celebration of the holiday, but it’s catchy as any jingle. (The following year he added electronica for his cool ranch re-mex. Yeah, I like that one.)