The Future: Dr. Who (5)

The empire of Dr. Who fans ranges and rages beyond my ken. Many Christmas songs are decorated with clips from the show; many parodies of pop songs (no Xmas references) litter the internet; the skits no know end… but, to tie this all up with a tidy bow: we present the last dregs of Whovian Holiday Carols.

Lui C Acoustic sings his young heart out into “Dr. Who Christmas Song.” This aptly characterizes the average fan: a thoughtful, creative outsider who would jump at the chance to travel the galaxy for a lark.

Margot Vandersmissen’s “Last Christmas (A Doctor Who Song)” is a mournful love chant to a pop Christmas dreadful. Adorably amateurish.

Song for Ten” by Neil Hannon is not Christmas, but it says it is. Promises for happiness and love…. blah humbug.

Abigail’s Song” by Katherine Jenkins suffers the same complex–it’s from one of those dandy Dr. Who Christmas episodes, so while operatic it’s just plain about the pain of life.

Lindby’s “Time Wimey Christmas” is a fun parody. Danceable.

Zuzanna’s “Cloister Bell Rock” is mostly fun for the fans.

Jingle Bells: Doctor Who Style” by JaLynn TardisGeek makes up in sass what it lacks in sound quality.

Kanal van Puscherube “All I Want for Christmas is Who” makes mad filk uke-ing. More passion than polish.

Better tech fun (not that good… it is for Dr. Who) arrives from Yukeh’s “All I Want for Christmas is Who.” It’s the same parody but it focuses on the fan and her homemade music blog. It’s not festooned as much with bits from the show as with her own skits. Go fangirl. (And her dad.)