Take a Card: oh boo hoo

Got your cards bought yet? Dealing out a deck of commercially printed hastily signed holiday observations to select family and friends has gone outta style what with the electronic age. The old insult ‘snail mail’ to indicate paper posting is so past it as to seem quaint. But there was a time, kiddos and kiddettes, when the measure of social value was how many cards you sent and how many you stacked on your mantel. Why, it was a form of decoration in and of itself. Being ‘cut from the list’ just about began feuds and vendettas to last generations.

[Confusingly, many ‘Christmas Card’ songs are themselves the sentiment that you would see transcribed in the card. Those are way too schmaltzy for this irony man. Only songs that mention, describe or feature cards may be permitted herein.]

Let us not fret about the wheres and whys of this passé pose, but instead celebrate the choosing, signing, and stamping in song.

No more fitting tribute than the creaky old reminiscence “An Old Christmas Card,” about that folded fragment of your love found on the floor–from before you left! Ray Smith first (1949) got cornpone cowboy about it. Jim Reeves most famously sealed the sadness.  But let’s get even more emotional–Severe gushes punk all over. Now that’s a cover.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: again?!

Mopping up the repetition, we reach the bottom of the barrel–dense, rich muck. These songs all bear a re-listen. (It’s what you do with Christmas music.)

Erin Oeschel parodies Lourdes with “Carols.” Snarky kid hates it all.

Youth groups of the three Amish-Mennonite sister churches in the Huchinson, KS area, Center, Cedar Crest, and Arlington gether in the form of four young men who parody ‘O Christmas Tree’ with “Oh Christmas Tree Parody.” It’s apostrophe, but funny, ‘cuz they’re SINGING to a TREE.

98.7 KLUV’s Jody Dean Singers knock me out with “Play that Christmas Music White Boy.” Parody supreme.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: now?!

Yeah there are a few more categorical cross-overs we might revisit here…

Many point out how early is too early (like a pig’s tail) for Christmas song playing.

Enna Chow needs a mic for Christmas. Strain for her “It’s Too Early for Christmas Carols.” No, don’t bother. Still November isn’t TOO early.

Try Hard Ninja gets funnier with a Bieber parody “Too Early for Christmas Songs.” Before Halloween might be a bit soon.

Paul and Storm bring it home with “The Way-Too-Early Christmas Song.” An actual song via musical talent always helps the satire, guys! Make bail soon.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: be cool

Let’s take a moment and find something not so wacky or weird. Are there songs about songs that be cool?

NiknJaps does exactly what i wanted: a pop experiment about the process of writing down the Xmas Sound. “My Christmas Song” comes in short, but sweet. Cool dat.

Finn McGinn & the Muddguards narrate the whole stage show (like in ‘Piano Man’) in unironic country (like that’s possible).”So Let’s Sing” celebrates best it can, given what’s given. So, that’s cool.

Glenn Trujillo and Rich Wenzel go deep into their alt-folk past for “This Christmas (Sing for Christmas).” It’s spiritually cool.

Kurt Elling settles your hash with piping hot jazz. “Sing a Christmas Carol” tootles around the canon, but rousts yon spirits brightly. Tell me that’s not cool.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: for you

I’ve previously covered songs as gifts (you cheap bastard!) Now let’s cover gifts that are songs.

Reprise: Fairmont’s “This Song is Your Christmas Gift” rocks humility (It’s better than nothing!).

Reprise: Bill Craft et al’s “A Gift of Song” also plays it cool with bluegrass (This gift has no value!).

Reprise: Nugu Buyeng gets BLUE ALERT nasty to admit he has “No Christmas Present for You“–except this little old song he’s written.  Way to go, ya rapping Buddhist.

The Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie had a song about the singing: “Sing My Song for You.” As a TV number it’s short, but herein is the same number by characters Teddy & Spencer (played by Bridgit Mendler & Shane Harper), then by Sonny & Joe (Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas). It’s like a mirror looking into a mirror!

Let’s spell it out: can’t afford you! Michael Peace pieces together a clumsy excuse (including the children) with “We Wrote You this Song for Christmas.” He hopes it’s the bestest of all. (Spoiler alert: a stolen bracelet woulda been better.)

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: others

Who else gets a song dedicated for the holidays?

Well, i can’t pass up another Todd McHatton: “A Christmas Song for Harry Nilsson.” This must be the third time i’ve foisted it on you.

Bored housewives from Portland, The Fallen Angel Choir went political with “Sing a Song for Benjamin Linder” a victim on Nicaraguan Contras (and others). Whew.

A LOT lighter, Carolyn Mark offers a “Song for the Girl with Two of Everything.” For children of divorce get too much, don’t they?


Sing a Song of Singing Songs: the Bigger Guy

I know! We should sing to the birthday boy!

Let’s Sing Praises to the King” sing The Sensational Nightingales. Pretty stuff.

The McKameys “Sing a Song About the Lamb” cleverly following the old sacrificial lamb to the old gods to the new lamb who is a Son of a God. Plodding ‘grass gospel.

Let’s get even more old Sunday school with a fine old album: American Folk Songs for Christmas, brought to you by Mike Seeger.

Included are tributes to The Jay-by “Sing Hallelujah” by Calum MacColl

and “Sing a Lamb” by Mike Seeger hisself.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: the big guy

Do we sing a song loud and proud, or do we aim it?

gerdenshed claims to be singing a “Santa’s Song,” but it’s mostly about beer.

Rubettes (feat. Alan Williams) ask you to sing along to their “Santa’s Song.” It’s just ho ho ho over and over. Let’s practice.

Similarly The Oak Ridge Boys offer Santa singing “Santa’s Song“–just the hos, ma’am.

I’m partial to the nihilism of Culture in Memoriam’s “Santa’s Song” (Ding Dong, with murder in his eye). I’ve sung to this one before. (They’re Swedes, so winter=death, y’know.)

The Ames Brothers “Sing a Song of Santa Claus.” It’s really ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’ so if you’re prone to nursery rhymes, this one over-orchestrates just for you.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: cowboy style

‘They’ll be singing… Gonna be singing…” begins the song. We feel like we’re IN THE MUSIC. Whoa, Nelly.

“Christmas Carols by the Old Corral” was minor hit for Tex Ritter in 1945. Former Ritter back up Wesley Tuttle adds some aw-shucks yodeling to his concurrent version. Gene Autry flattened it for his Melodie Ranch broadcast of the same year. Nine years later Luke Simmons and His Blue Mountain Boys add some rock guitar but subtract with gramma’s electric organ.

Sing a Song of Singing Songs: awww

What do you do when the deserving go cold, the lambs are lost, the Christmas spirit doesn’t perform miracles? Well, you could sing. It might make you feel better.

The Dean Martin Show’s Las Vegas showgirls back-up formed a group called The Goldiggers (it was a sad time) and hit the racks with a ’69 Xmas album offering a version of giving: “I Sing Noel.” Man, those high notes.

Sandler and Young combine for their “I Sing Noel.” Hokey country gospel that invites you to come in out of the cold.