The Future: Outer Space (1)

Most cool outer space Christmas is based on Santa. As baby boomers grew up through the space race, they began to see how Santa could visit every kid’s house in just one night (not time travel! that’s silly!). It was through rocket ship technology, whether atomic or magical.

Check out Doreen Allen getting all rockabilly with Johnny Collins & The Caravans in their “Spacey Santa’s Spaceship.” Cute kid warblers were small town success for Bible business from the turn of the Last Century. Then money from vaudeville gave us Shirley Temples. And more money from the beginning of rock ‘n’ roll gave us The Collins Kids. Not sure when this music was recorded, but it wails.

State Forty-Nine: Alaska

Welcome to the top of the world where a town names itself North Pole and in another town a guy who has changed his name to Santa Claus was elected mayor. But when you’re hoping for cool yule Last Frontier songs… not so much.
The Capitol Steps. of course, have a Sarah Palin Christmas comedy song: “A Sarah Palin Christmas.” It’s kinda about Alaska. It’s kinda about humor.
Millennial mistletoe candy, The End Credits, perform “An Alaskan Christmas Carol” as an emo boy chant. Boys are (dirty, not as funny as they think they are) boys everywhere, but these guys evoke a real musical theater Native American roiling romp. Color me amused.
Homemade folk squeezes out of Jeffrey and Teresa’s “Christmas in Alaska.” Children everywhere are uncoordinatedly rocking out.
But, here comes Hank Thompson’s 1964 “It’s Christmas Every Day in Alaska.” It’s firing on every Johnny Horton piston. Rockabilly guitar under aw shucks bass (with a touch of yodel) vocals paints a picture of far away advent adventure. AK is Christmas-land!! Brrr! ing out the figgy pudding.