Again? I overlooked L M Azpiazu’s original “A Christmas Tango” (about celebrating JC’s Bday, when it first posted the updated “A Christmas Tango (With Santa).” Both’re sexy Latin music, only the latter is about fatter men.
Lala Deaton torches up the night before with all her fussing over kissing ‘cuz “I’ve Got a thing for Santa.” Seems he’s got a thing for her as well. Look out.
Throwing Muses has some trouble focusing. In their “Santa Claus” the object of affection reminds me of Santa Claus. Then there’s a lot of running. Wild club indie.
Elfie with the Christmas Workshop Band freestyles the aberrant, lisping “Love You Santa” with abandon. Now we’re getting to the novelty of it all.
Blue Powerade Boys sardonically have a bone to pick with all the crap going on. “I am Samta” seems like the reasonable epicenter of blame. Plucky clucky indie.
Also sus as Big Red is AronChupa & Little Sis Nora’s BLUE ALERT character “I’m the Santa Claoz.” Some fun EDM Euro-pop.
Santa Churn is rapped about in “Winter Wonderland” by Homie Churn (feat. Henry The Barbarian). Some dis and BLUE ALERT bleeping.
Jackie B is the strip club owner in ‘The Great American Trailer Park Christmas Musical.’ When he lounge lizards the bluesy “Baby, I’ll be Your Santa Claus” you might want to reconsider your life choices.
“Santa Bibby” is also rapped about this time by K Bibbles. He seems nicer.
1954 keeps twangin’ along with Eddy Arnold (And His Guitar)’s “I’m Your Private Santa Claus.” It’s a love declaration, not a military incursion.
Mikael Englund & Árpád Solti go the showtunes route with the bombastic “One Night Santa.” Humblebrag.
Nasal rockabilly (y’know like Elvis) from The Refreshments declares “I’m the Real Santa.” Dy-no-mite.
A confused playa, the narrator of “Christmas 2023” raps modulatedly from Birmingham Lordson. You have to appreciate the gifts! It’s my way or the highway.
Foster Gray & The JJs insists “Santa is an Arsonist.” Evidence? He brings coal! Unplugged garage fooling around.
Arne Åsmund uses cowboy pop to prove in “X to the Masses” that Santa rose in the criminal ranks from lowly drug runner to strung out street person.
“Santa’s Got the Munchies” folk pops Jet Baker, implying some irresponsibility on the part of that important delivery system. Better get more cookies!
Protesting too much Charlie Stewart electro-countries “Santa Claus Ain’t a Hippie.” Hey, isn’t protesting what hippies do?
Neil Halstead covers Fountains of Wayne’s “The Man in the Santa Suit” with pathos the original didn’t have. Ah, the futility of Santa in a modern age!
Fruitcakes (give it a moment to start…) parodies “Santa Claus is Coming” with a trip to ‘The Price is Right’ to win a new sleigh. Makes him look like a dummkopf.
Nor does Dianna Corcoran take the “Funny Little Fat Guy” in a red suit seriously. Serious country rock, though. Stalking much?
D’modes undermines the whole thing in “The Silly Season.” Swinging pop criticism that STARTS with Santa. Rated M.
Worth repeating: BLUE ALERT “Santa Don’t Bring Gifts To Assholes” is the pop proclamation from Paul Mauled and the Furious Elves. You should probably heed this dictum.
Vera Lyn takes us back to the 1930s when swearing wasn’t as much a lyrical go-to. “The Little Boy That Santa Claus Forgot” is a big band ode to poor kids. Sad stuff. She originated this number, but Nat King Cole is no slouch at underplaying the bathos and making a real story out of it.
The world premiere cast of Nuncrackers–The Nunsense Christmas Musical gets down home with “Santa Ain’t Comin’ to Our House.” It’s a knee-slappin’ hoe-downin’ uplift to children’s tragedy.
When my baby can’t be with me then, well, “Santa Can’t.” Big band evolves into rap then just mashes up. Brought to you by 0July Moon (feat. Kristen & Ryanne).
Mimi Teddy synths the voice to become kidsong, but it’s so scary. “Merry Christmas to You” recounts block chain problems, reindeer retardation, and how Santa Claus is waiting for his beard to regrow; His barber shaved it off by mistake a month ago. Nightmare!
Previously, it was an honor to share Joel Samberg’s “Holiday Shaving Cream,” a holidaytion of the old Benny Bell classic (as heard on the Dr. Demento Show throughout the ’70s).
Da ADR Crew update that with the rapping “Santa’s Shaving Cream.” Short and… shaving cream.
Had quite a few “Shoot Your Eye Out This Christmas” kind of songs. Now, the message is nose-off-to-spite-your-face; hate you and your gifts and the whole season. And saying so (and burning everything?) hurts me, too, i guess. Ask Sam Pearson and his indie guitar to find out.
Nevermind, time for more bloodbath–this time with premeditation! “Evil Christmas” from Big Chino is family rap about lying in armed wait Xmas Eve. Suddenly, Santa’s NOT dead and HE’s got a gun, too–!
Electric Bill and the Utilities indie punk how they want “A Gun For Christmas.” What they’ll do with it is a BLUE ALERT carnival ride. Weee-uh oh.
And all I wanted for Christmas was a gun is the encore sentiment from Super Chron Flight Bros (feat. Zesto) in “B More.” Real. With ‘Boyz’ samples.
Lil Seradino actually wants an xBox for Christmas, but if that fails… gotta get an AR-15. “Have a Merry M6” is unfortunate rap, but it’s a product of its social economic system. BLUE ALERT