Peek on Earth.25

Silly little ones! Andre Nickatina · Equipto rap “Eye’s Of A Child” about all those dumb things they deduce from visual experience. Including catching you-know-who. Sounds like someone’s got a hard-knock life.

Lil Fashoti may have caught Santa in Vegas like Tupac, but he keeps shooting deer in his swaying and synth-drunk “Chrimuh Time.” Wake up!

Jamie O’Neal thinks she caught Santa swimming in a red Speedo down in the “Gulf of Mexico.” Jazzy country about Xmas down South.

Peek on Earth.16

Sometimes seeing ol’ Nick is the problem. There he is on T.V., there he is in the store, there he is at the urinal… Richard Melvin Brown reprises “Who is the Real Santa Claus?” to compound the matter with easy listening pop.

Believe it or not, Professor Steve saw Santa “Last Night.” You know it’s true ‘cuz he sings folk about it.

Pretend rock’n’roll from The Beach Boys retools ‘Saw Mommy Kissin” with “[I Saw Santa] Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree.” The witness has spoken.

Robyn Scott gets full on country with “I Saw Santa Last Night.” I presume this confession is on Xmas day.

Peek on Earth.13

What else can we catch Santa at, peeking like we do? Ron McNeal recounts “The Night I Saw Santa Claus Pray.” Spoken word with bad lighting–was it real?

Once again “I Saw Santa Prayin’,” but this time it was Pat Boone who broke the story with easy listening pop. Just so you know who’s in charge.

The Mighty Wurlitzer Radio Hour enables nostalgists with spankin’new retro visits to the ’40s and ’50s radio broadcasts. Their showtune big number from 2014 is “Waitin’ Up for Santa.” Huzzah and twenty-three skidoo.

Back to country with Logan Mize’s “I Saw Santa In a Bar.” Country pop like they do nowadays to fill the stadiums. I may not believe this particular story. A boat?

Peek on Earth.7

Buck Owens calls out the double standard: Don’t dare peep cause if you do ol’ Santa Claus might be watching you! Nonetheless, it’s a “Very Merry Christmas” with electronic country punctuating the traditions.

Kevin Sisson wakes accidentally and descends the stairs Xmas Eve. What he sees causes him to exclaim “Let’s Do Santa’s Boogie” in the best rockabilly possible. It may not be a dance; more a speed setting.

If You don’t Wanna See Santa Claus Cry,” advises Alan Jackson in maudlin country, then baby come back to me. Quid pro quo, dearest. So, don’t look.

Don’t look for Santa Claus my/Mother used to say, echoes Charley Pride in “Santa and the Kids,” another country mudder. Apparently, if you do, he’ll not bother with you.


Vincent Von Vegga’s gangsta rap “Nightmare on Christmas” is all sorts of bad news. No wakin’ up from dis.

Mad Pigs metals out “City of Nightmare” completely missing out on all the joy the holidays bring to the wealthy few.

Dr. BLT’s “Nightmare B4 Christmas” was of the breakup variety. Country complaining makes it palatable. That, and he actually woke up after all.


Dallas seems to be living in a “Nightmare Before Christmas.” Peppy dark pop without Tim Burton NOR Danny Elfman.

Santa appears as a “Nightmare On My Street” when Mega Ran & Richie Branson fresh rap about this paranoiac scary movie aftermath misunderstanding. (Might be Christmas.)

Ray Stevens has a “Nightmare Before Christmas.” Santa runs afoul of the law and everyone turns agin him. Country bumpkin cornpone.


The Ohio City Singers know how to swing a beat. “Dreams of Christmas Day” is keeping me up and toe-tapping with its jazzy coolness.

What Could Be Better” is Shad Weathersby asking and answering about the Best Case Scenario for deep in December. He’s dreaming of a country-ish home Xmas.

Big band swing chills “When Dreams Come True” from David Tobin and Jeff Meegan. A bit overly orchestrated for something private, but Dream Big or stay home by the fire.

Rhonda Vincent features some fancy fiddlin’ while “Dreaming of Christmas.” Barn burning slumbertime activities.


I probably shouldn’t include the indulgent “Dreaming of K-Mart,” a Paco Moreno archived recording that, well, puts me in the holiday mood. Just dreamin’ it.

Incomprehensible switches holidays for us when “I’m Dreaming of a Black Friday.” Slightly above average parody.

Julien Baker ootsies up the mood with “A Dreamer’s Holiday.” It’s a jazz band vacation from the holidays!

Darryl Gregory has his holiday priorities set when he’s “Dreaming of a Snow Day.” Slack key country, so goofy fun.


The Whoopass Girls grate the garage with screaming angst for “(I’m Dreaming of) A Jack White Christmas.” Stripes optional.

Cautioningly, Ben Worley EDMs “I’m Dreaming” by Ben Worley until you can’t remember what holiday we were even talking about.

Sonorous caroling from Ages about some “Holiday Dream.” Wake up!

Cheering us back up, Martin Blasick chirps pop country in “I’ve Been Dreaming Of Christmas.” It’s more of a remembering thing, but softly out of focus nonetheless.

Polysomnography: Swoon

Jimmy McIver is cordial when proposing “Let’s Fall Asleep (Under the Christmas Tree).” It’s retro infused pop, so fun scat back up singing. And the subjunctive = asking consent.

This Winter’s Night” by Ben & Kat is also innocently hooking up. But half the world is sleeping, so no one’s around to judge their love. Indie through and through.

Every Day Is Christmas” countrifies Colbie Caillat (Feat. Jason Reeves), because, you see, you’re like a present in her bed. Which is like the holidays. Something like that. Well, it’s not nasty.