Christmas Countdown: 48

Maya Huyan has a little story about getting presents for Xmas, it involves catching Santa publicly urinating at the point of her 48 Magnum. “Merry Litmas” is a wild rap ride, but it ends happily–like the whole BLUE ALERT was a dream….

Percy Parker is teaching times tables in “Warm Feet“–oddly a Christmas counter for boots for cows. That’s the kind of farmer Roger is, in Kidsong anyways. You’re expected to learn and singalong. Get to it.

Christmas Countdown: 100,000

The Oakwood Waits get medieval on “Wondrous Love.” Not sure what they’re counting, but there’s one hundred thousand of them. And it’s for God.

Lil B wants a million dollars when he hears “Santa is Coming (Christmas Spirit).” But this swaggeringly melodic kid rap invokes the hundred thousand line a couple times like it’s magic or some such. Could be the number of Kringles….

Felice Avian: subrogation

Does it have to be a reindeer? That flies? For Christmas?

Patsy Trigg notices something unusual around the barn–missing reindeer! Kidsong country (great slide guitar) cutely renames the replacement twirly tailed ones in the talented “It’s a Merry Christmas when Pigs Fly.” They’re like eagles apparently.

We may have seen kangaroos and horses and plenty other animals already bringing presents on the ol’ blog. But let’s wind it up with a prog rock poem “Fly on a Christmas Dragon” by Robby Grant. Kidsong chaos (and fire breathing) ensues.

Felice Avian: expectation

Children watch the skies every year, not for nuclear bombs/alien invasions like they did after 1951’s ‘Thing from Another World,’ but for reindeer/Santa.

I Still Believe” is a homegrown folk ballad from PST. Earnestly overlong, but so is waiting on 12/24.

Martin Black uses syncopated country to silly effect with the kidsong “Fly Away Little Reindeer.” Oddly, this time the spotted reindeer is shooed into the sky. Which messes up this kid for life.