Something Awful’s Donner Party Christmas Party also plays opaque with “I Saw Mommy Blowing Santa Claus,” an echoic instrumental that samples more than seduces.
JossiRossi from the same group later recorded “I Saw Mommy (Explicit) [Censored].” This is that comedy routine where bleeping inspires your filthiest imaginings.
What i’d like to direct your attention to now, however, is quite the oddity. In 1952 Spike Jones & The City Slickers chased Jimmy Boyd’s release with his own featuring his ‘Two Front Teeth” guy George Rock. But, then– for giggles–he had the gang record a SECOND version: “I Saw Mommy Screwing Santa Claus.” Thanks to the internet this private use only recording has finally seen the light of hoi polloi.
Armadillo Acres is hot during the holidays, but in The Great American Trailer Park Christmas Musical troubles come in multitudes. They could win the Mobile Homes & Gardens photo shoot , if it weren’t for the meanest grinch in residence, Darlene (see: “Opening“). ‘Course she gets amnesia (“12 Days of Amnesia“) and the colorful crazies can’t decide to ride that out or help her get back to her ornery self. Dumb as dirt Rufus offers to share his “Christmas Memories.” Sweet. In fact the nostalgic treacle overflows (“My Christmas Tin Toy Boy“). Even getting widowed is remembered sweetly (“Christmas Leather Love“). Great googly-moogly. Then the F-bomb gets a boop-shee-boop treatment in “…It’s Christmas.” Okay, that’s funny. These po’ folk aren’t beat up, they’re upbeat. (The cure for a broken heart? Some Holiday Ass! as seen in “Black and Blue on Christmas Eve“).
Christmas in Hell is a The Simpsons‘ writer’s rebellion to the Christmas musical genre. On Christmas Eve an 8-year-old is mistakenly taken down to Hell. When he returns, not only has he missed Christmas (“Somebody Owes Me a Christmas” in oompah Old-World music), but he is devilishly changed. To set things right, his father embarks on a hilarious and outrageous odyssey (“There is Nothing More That I Can Say” is the aria from the nun who helps/doesn’t) that eventually leads him down to Hell itself (dangerous? “Nobody Knows” is the group chorale cheer) where amongst the damned (cue the suffering torch song “When Your Hands are Too Big“) he makes a wager with Lucifer (troubled in the cringey ballad “Mine“) he can’t possibly win. Unless the power of love prevails (the slow build showtune “More Than Cheese“). Personally, i woulda left the nasty kid behind–he was originally a bad’un, as confided by his teacher in “Mrs. Huvey’s Complaint.” BLUE ALERT for a spell.
Electric Bill and the Utilities indie punk how they want “A Gun For Christmas.” What they’ll do with it is a BLUE ALERT carnival ride. Weee-uh oh.
And all I wanted for Christmas was a gun is the encore sentiment from Super Chron Flight Bros (feat. Zesto) in “B More.” Real. With ‘Boyz’ samples.
Lil Seradino actually wants an xBox for Christmas, but if that fails… gotta get an AR-15. “Have a Merry M6” is unfortunate rap, but it’s a product of its social economic system. BLUE ALERT
Kids today! Utter Nonsense electronically raps: I put a gun in the turkey ‘Cause my momma said No phones at the table; Well now she’s dead. “Tik Tok Boy” marches to a different drummer only he can hear.
More fun with Te Vale Quien Soy serenading us slow and folksy with “I Shoot My Gun on Christmas.” Attention seeker!
If ever emo-boy pop was deserved it was for “Abandonment Clause” by Cloudwatch. I promise I’ll stay, Won’t tell no one–It’s Christmas day: I wanted a gun. Spoiler: it’a about abuse in the home. BLUE ALERT tearjerking.
Smash Mouth can sing a song, i’ll admit it. The ne’erdowells in their swing rock “Better Do It Right” beg, borrow, and steal, as Santa didn’t come. And all you wanted was a BB gun.
Party time! “All I Want For Christmas (Is A Gun)” by Pete Witham & The Cozmik Zombies is just the beginning. According to Neitsche he just deserves some fun. With this country pop, figger that’s a start.
Rapper say: Like I be shoppin for Christmas; I got a gun on my wishlist. John Cannon’s “On Me” seems more like an autotune bitchfest. BLUE ALERT
It’s all bad in “Bring On Your Last Existential Sabora,” an electronic ballad from Coping Mechanism. Life sucks, then you get a present. A shotgun? BLUE ALERT
Out of the hellfire into the front room… Christmas is a special time of the year, but tragedy strikes when you least expect it. So are troubles over the holidays just more of the same, extra terrible, or some sort of test of your faith?
Bad times have come across the blog before. If you can’t laugh at them, then Sauron wins.
Out of money, out of hair, full of ants, Dieter Horvat can barely bear “Christmas (On a Wednesday).” Doom comes in all sizes especially in folk music.
The Doomsday Bunker Band stumbles under the burden of disappointment and despair of late December. Folk rock sells “The Christmas Hurtsmas Song.” To live is to suffer. BLUE ALERT