Reanimate Christmas

Bill Chiklakis appears to call us out of hibernation with his loudly orchestrated soft-pop “Wake Up.” Beautifully done, but not inspirational.

David Lazar winds up “Wake Up, Let’s Go” until the funk starts pouring out of the punch bowl. Strangely, this is a nattering reminder alarm to get the chores done Christmas Day and not so much about the fun times.

Better than average retro pop “Wake Me Up When It’s Christmas Time” makes Australian Michael Carpenter the leader of the package unwrapping.

Greet the Day Christmas

Fountain Dew keeps on waking up in the middle of the night with “That Christmas Feeling.” Shredding punk that suddenly stops. Who knows why.

Wake Me Up When Christmas Comes” is New Age voice tricks by CHEMICAL ROMANCE LOUIS EARN LUMBER. It’s dream in a coma.

Exceptional melding of genres occurs in Noodle Noggin’s “Ding Dong, Wake Me Up.” From Barney Gumble to The Wiggles to Korn: it’s a boisterous buffet that’s Advent adjacent. (It’s little better than the Wham! mashup “Wake Me Up on the Rooftop.”)

Reindeer Tribe telescopes the focus to a singularity with “Wake Up Jacob.” Made it rhyme there, you see. Time to shake those chains, goes the alt rock lyrics.

Surface Surface Surface Christmas

Wake Me Up: The Christmas Song” is Parliament Brawl piling punk atop goth garage until spittle covers everything. This is the seasonal variant of their hit.

Amo Joy’s “Wake Up (To the Christmas Spirit)” is goofy brass noodling all over a rich Tin Pan Alley mug’s worth of rich musings. I mean, you tell me.

When I Wake Up It Will Be Christmas” by Megan and Tom Carnell is an etiquette guide to Xmas Eve behavior. Heavy rock over toddler song makes for an interesting mashup. Off to bed I go!

Arise Christmas

Steve Williard gets matter-of-fact with the rocking “Wake Up (It’s Christmas).” But it’s essentially kidsong. Awww.

Eric S. Donaldson sets the ideal novelty stage with forced folk, shouted chorus, and silly children’s antics in the groovy “Don’t Forget Us Up for Christmas.” There’s an Or else… so i suggest you listen carefully.

Nudge Christmas

It was all a lie. Wake up, sheeple! “Wake Up It’s Christmas” is the broken-heart letter from Janet Devlin that deploys indie pop to warn you to Watch the Lies! He’s coming for your presence!

Lori Lofstrom just wants you to hold her all night. Her nasal paean “I Wanna Wake Up on Christmas with You” is twangy Baez folk rock that is so into you, you might want to set some boundaries. Now.

SEPTEMBER or Wake Me Up When Christmas Starts” is Joey Slater bemoaning the tentativeness of some relationship. It’s not here, it’s not there, it’s September. Poetical rocker that makes you go Hmmm.

Amp Up Christmas

Apparently ending a prayer, “Wake Up” from Shame Shame indies the need for alertness with a regular morning routine. Angels will help. I guess.

When Dust of the Saints applies the kidsong to “Wake Up, It’s Christmas!” observance and love come to the fore. It calls to mind that odd march-dancing kids do ’cause–you know–little coordination before age 4.

Kidsong from Sara Lovell “Wake Up It’s Christmas Time” asks the big questions as well as thumps the big drum to get going Xmas day. Nearly Celtic in its morose merriment.

Bestir Christmas

There’s little point in us delaying/Everyone can nap while I’m playing chortles King Everything in the delightful ditty “Wake Up! It’s Christmas!” This folk indie only shouts and wheedles, yet it speaks volumes towards the child mindset Xmas A.M. Insightful.

Screaming punk from Scumbags orders you to get up, get drunk, and–i guess–get feedback. “Wake Up, It’s Christmas Time” is not for the weak of spirit.

Dark Globes ‘covers’ an Andrew Hart folk rock exploration entitled “Wake Up Everyone.” The overdubbing and background chaos don’t interfere so much as urge on this message of hope v. expectation. Kidding, it’s mostly noise. Heh.

Come to Christmas

Roz turns the R+B bucket round and round to churn out “I Wake Up to Christmas.” It’s about capturing that one special moment and holding onto it.

Sam Rodewald seems to channel his inner Sufjan Stevens for an exclamatory “Wake Up It’s Christmas!” Bluegrass indie of few lyrics. Great sitcom theme song, though.

Also simplistic, the folk fable “Wake Up to Christmas” from Kyle Henrickson is melodic merriment in a two minute package. Comforting.

Knock Up Christmas

The Mighty Spoiler wants you to “Wake Up Christmas.” Classic parang with all the patois of a party carol backed by a sassy brass band.

Wake Up, It’s Christmas Time” by David Davenport is more of a wistfully melancholic slow pop piece, backed by the Salvation Army. Wake up here means Get With It. You first.

Retro pop for the indie of children clamoring, “Wake Up! It’s Christmas” from Scarlett & Disher calls us jollily into the family room in time for EFF YOU EN. Make that wish!

Pile Out Christmas

Parody intermission!

Rage Against the Manger metals out the conspiracy-busting rap “Wake Up (It’s Christmas!).” Santa, the banks, your dad… they’re all a part of it. Wise man up!

Wake Me Up Before You Ho Ho (Live)” is pretty much what you’d expect from Never Ending 80s. Peppy, though, give you that.

Same idea with worse production quality but some more wit is “Wake Me Up on Christmas Morning” by ManiacClown (ft. My Cat is Norris). Who wore it out better?