
Back to the NOVELTY songs, and i mean that in the worst way.

Sonny Bono and Little Tootsie smokescreen their talents with “Comin’ Down the Chimney,” a kidsong of no consequence, save for an odd clip-clop cowboy beat.

WHEN SANTA CLAUS GOT STUCK IN THE CHIMNEY” written and performed by She And The​ Cat’s Mother is unglued indie electronica that should be avoided to be believed. What are angels singing about?

What’s a chimney for if not for “Climbing All Over Christmas.” Check out The Light with their pop music ADHD.

Santa is a Chimney Diver” electronicas Error Enter Exit. Heavy Euro-accents, so i can’t tell if they’re condemning or commending.

The Rainbow Bozo lowers the bar with “Santa Pooped Down My Chimney.” How naughty do you have to be?! Lilting kidsong.