Hilary Marckx protests that “Santa Claus is a-Rockin’.” Blue suede shoes and red blue jeans mark this dancing beard-o as rocking. I guess.
Kevin Sisson kicks a bit of rockabilly to ask “Rock Me Santa.” Like at the North Pole, chicken.
Kathy & Jimmy Zee travel from the past to rediscover “Santa Claus Rock and Roll.” This was from before elided consonants. Still hip from the lip.
Kerr Donnelly Band recalls Elvis to promote “Santa’s Rockin’.” It just keeps building….
Joseph Hollister makes the rockabilly wooden with his study of the “Rockin’ Santa Claus.” Still, a boot-scooter.
Jan Terri was known for a minute as a terrible, but earnest singer in the ’90s. Even opened a couple shows for Marilyn Manson. Here’s a sample of her work from one of her VHS giveaways, “Rock and Roll Santa.” Brace yourself.