Damn That Holiday: devil.0

Demons may be minions to The Devil, but we allow for devils as upper management given how taken we are with all things underworld.

The Cupheads Show offers a pretty cool devil. Luke Millington-Drake showtunes prettily in “A Very Devil Christmas Song” from the special holiday episode. See, the goodness of the season motivates a do-badder to lower lows.

Spinal Tap might be well known for their gothic hair metal irony “Christmas with the Devil.” Yes, that’s Michael McKean, Harry Shearer, and Christopher Guest. Clap if you believe.

Cellus Hamilton (ft. Isaiah Jenkins) reminds us Devil hated Christmas, showed up, Devil’s like Grinch: Try to steal the Christmas on us in his dropped bars and busted rhymes “Up All Night.”

Sufjan Steven’s muddles up reality once again for the mightily metaphoric “Lonely Man of Winter.” Among other things, this enigma is riding in the devil’s abyss. Cool indie.