From a 1928 short story in Weird Tales, a mythos was born. The giant octopus-headed man/dragon was a world killer, god, personification of doom and suffering. Chicks dig that.
The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society kick things off with their adorable “Carol of the Old Ones.” Switch a few words around and Bob’s your uncle.
From the same group comes the more menacing “All I Want for Solstice is My Sanity.” Beware the involuntary giggles and gibberish.
More fun, is their “It’s the Most Horrible Time of the Year.” These songs are more about us than them, ’cause they are inconceivable, ya see.
Josephus get appropriately metal for “Cthulhu Christmas.” Game over, man.
“Oh Come All Ye Old Ones” from the Dagon Tabernacle Choir is a runaway train.
“Oh Cthulhu” sung by those same guys is the most fun we can have with the subject. Fitting parody.
One more! Suprise Flapjacks floor me with fast paced rock-pop “All I Want for Christmas is Cthulhu.” It’s catchy.