Christmas Countdown: 1993

Well, technically, “Home Alone” (the movie) is about Christmas. And Heatmaps has a Rockin tribute that mentions how the Sticky Bandits were locked up til February 1993. But as fans will recall, they bust out in time for the 1992 sequel. Still, poppin’ fresh!

Even more epic, “Sandy Fishnets” is the tale of foster abuse with an haunting nautical motif. Evelyn Evelyn ends the tragedy on the Christmas of 1993 with her silent disappearance. Horrifying French bistro music.

Lily Montfré bums out on a memory fragment in “Christmas in July.” This late-night jazz bar piano dreamscape wants to remember, but fears the past. Oo-ee-oo.

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Start asks if you rememberChristmas Eve 1993.” Something weird happened, but i guess if you don’t remember… forget it. Altrock and noisy about it.

The Murrays don’t candy coat “Merry Christmas 1993.” Pop altrock that starts with old macaroni on the tree, but ends with hanging around as a supreme act of love. Wotta Romeo.