Allow me to uncork the good stuff, songs i’m pretty fond of concerning the wait on Christmas. These first few might go by fast, like sour sweets. Gulp when ready.
Parodying a proper punk anthem (like there ever was such a thing) Two Inch Winky start the party with “I Can’t Wait for Christmas.” Pump up the volume and open the door. They’ll do the rest.
Perhaps starting out as a kid song that hit folk, turned at garage, then hyperred up some soul, “Waiting for Christmas Day” by Big Little Lions plays to many audiences authentically. Talent’ll do that.
Goofy garage from The Morning Glass (as The Christmas Friends) warms up the ice. “Can’t Wait for Christmas” pops and spits (Santa doesn’t love me the way my parents do–) with lots of lala lalalas for everyone to enjoy. (Punk parody outro totally optional.)
“Can’t Wait for Christmas” is off in just the right ways for a punk promise of merriment & joy. Music Infection riffs and roughs up the fun, adding a pleasant melody just for a larf.