
Worth repeating: I’ve before shared Mono Puff cover of “Careless Santa” but it’s really a They Might Be Giants number. It’s give and be taken.

James Brown stylings are unique. So is his “Santa Claus Santa Claus.” Please don’t make him suffer so. You’re his only hope.

Little Charlie & The Nightcats dish out a bucket of blues with their “Santa Claus.” Please stop by his house today. He’s got needs.

Aaron Schubert is asking for something better than “A Ho Ho Hobo’s Christmas.” Not having to eat half a rat, or a new box…? Throw him a bone already. A cappella amateurism.

Professional a cappella comes straight from Straight No Chaser who’re calling out “Hey Santa!” to catch a ride to their baby in Dixieland.

Sharna-Mae & the Mayhems rockabillies the request (oddly similar to the Cashes’ ‘Jackson’) “We’re Off to See Santa.” I see this working out just fine.

Scott Andersen takes the country challenge: still wants to be man, but “Wrote a Letter to Santa” to get his baby back as well. Not sure this’s gonna work, bubba.

Captain Presents

The Hipwaders intro our hero with a ticking rocker “Santasploitation.” For one night only….

LaLa Deaton is big band happy that “Santa Claus is Makin’ His Rounds.” And she doesn’t mean bellies. Smooth jazz. Some itinerary slips out.

Peachy Keen unleash hyperactive kidsong on the unsuspecting with “Look Up! It’s Santa and The Reindeer.” LOTS OF SHOUTING to make their point.

While we’re on the flight topic, Todd McHatton rocks “Santa Flying in Your Sleigh” in order to show how much better knowing your music is better than knowing your audience.

Rap parody from The Withers treasures “Santa” and all he stands to give for.

Les Issambres pull out the ’70s hippie flute to make “Santa Claus (I Know Tippy Toe).” They seem to know a lot about the great global giver.

Minstrel antique from Make Like Monkeys wonders about “Father Christmas” and all his good deeds. Why?!

Christmas Man

Hilary Marckx protests that “Santa Claus is a-Rockin’.” Blue suede shoes and red blue jeans mark this dancing beard-o as rocking. I guess.

Kevin Sisson kicks a bit of rockabilly to ask “Rock Me Santa.” Like at the North Pole, chicken.

Kathy & Jimmy Zee travel from the past to rediscover “Santa Claus Rock and Roll.” This was from before elided consonants. Still hip from the lip.

Kerr Donnelly Band recalls Elvis to promote “Santa’s Rockin’.” It just keeps building….

Joseph Hollister makes the rockabilly wooden with his study of the “Rockin’ Santa Claus.” Still, a boot-scooter.

Jan Terri was known for a minute as a terrible, but earnest singer in the ’90s. Even opened a couple shows for Marilyn Manson. Here’s a sample of her work from one of her VHS giveaways, “Rock and Roll Santa.” Brace yourself.

Big Red

Worth repeating: “Super Rock Santa” from The Fleshtones has the beat, the boast, and the best of music going for it. What have you got?

The Castle Arms are amazed by “Rock ‘N Roll Santa.” He’s really good. So’s this echoic pop.

Rock Rock Rock Rock Santa!” as produced by third Earth tilts toward punk. But the chimney diver is still a rocker in it.

Rockabilly better suits “Santa was a Rockin’.” The Elfish Preselys do resurrect the King to bring us the slamming testimony. Appreciate it.

Rock N’ Roll Santa” seems to hail from The Delta. Do You Hear What I Hear? (feat. Christine Ohlman) cajun away the cold to move your feet.

George Thorogood & the Destroyers play “Rock & Roll Christmas” as a rock tribute to tell Santa to go go go. The sax does it.

Robert ‘Dr. Bob’ Blake tortures the tonsils with the country “Santa Claus Rock.” Ouch, that’s… music.

Mr. December

Ho ho ho, like jingle bells, ya dig? is the catch phrase from Sandy Baron’s “Swingin’ Santa.” Sax stirs it up and, honey, it IS stirred. Twistin’ and struttin’ and all that.

The Moods recognize that party crasher “Rockin’ Santa Claus” as well. He livened the party no living end. More sax, nascent rock.

Do You Hear What I Hear (feat. The Wicked Smart Horn Band) jump blues good ol’ “Santa” with insults that are really terms of endearment. They love ‘im!

Collaborateurs swing on down to “Santa’s Karaoke.” He’s got quite a repertoire, that Duke of donation. Swings!

Would you then like to “Sing Along with Santa“? As per The New Christy Minstrels that, strangely, requires generosity, courtesy, and gratitude. Loud folk.

A Harold Rippy monotones his inexplicably R+B pop to let us know there’s “Santa Claus Singing on the Back Porch.” Could be worse.

Grandfather Frost

Worth repeating: “Santa’s Disco” is the party to party all parties. The Superions add a step of disco to their alt-pop.

David W Watson drawls out real slowly “Santa’s Party Sled.” Folk (or just real slow country) outlines the guest, activities, and appreciations. I may have fallen asleep and couldn’t tell you.

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy admits “Last Night I Went out with Santa Claus.” Too cool swing that skirts the law with good times. That pointy hatted rascal!

Let’s Go Dancing with Santa” is KC and The Sunshine Band’s boisterous attempt to observe the holidays. Danceable. Not much else.

Not keen on uncredited songs, but “Santa’s Party” composed by Mike Kenel/Ian Grant rocks the ‘billy just right. Thanks, Pete the Elf.

Party the Hut and Friends bang on garage rock to hail “Party Claus.” It’s brah-tastic. He’s hanging with Jesus and Monica Lewinsky.

Santa Claus’s Party” is originally from Les Baxter and a more sprightly kidsong i would have trouble finding. Tom Rankin & Dan Zimmerman make a dirge of it with synth and modulations galore. Eww.


The Sonics cool the rock with their 1965 “Santa Claus.” It’s a wishing spree, but without proper reverence they may be gettin’ nuthen–nuthen–nuthen–nuthen!

Go Santa Go!” is boogie woogie slay from Pepita Slappers · Joakim Wall. Rafters raised. The Duderinos hit “Go Santa Go” as more evenly paced and easier to follow. The Wiggles’ “Go Santa Go” is standard kidsong. The Rubettes (feat. Alan Williams) save it.

BeauSoleil bounces zydeco across town with “Papa St. Nick.” Sweaty, swampy, sweet.

Haschel Cedricson has decided than rap is whiteboy easy with “Santa Oom Mow Mow.” Cringe cool.

Mr. Santy Claus” is a celebration of life from those retro popsters Make Like Monkeys. TCB, baby.

Mr. Christmas

The party can’t start without “Fat Santa.” Wealthy Elves take us ’round the block with some rap/rock mashup to get us there.

Get Some Santa Claus” is little story of a badass from Okra Pickles. Supremely dig the opening and would make it my ringtone if i could figure that out. BLUE ALERT!

Badass Santa” is busy indie from softbomb (Кузанкин Роман). Wait, is he Russian?

Lee Harris impersonates a tinhorn big band for a ’50s western for kiddos in “Pistol Packin’ Santa Claus.” How have i not included this previously? Great stuff.

Bah & The Humbugs determine who’s the “Boss of Christmas” with pop panache. Bravo!

Dig That Crazy Santa Claus” is the gone doo wop Pete the Elf exposed me to decades ago. Oscar McLollie & The Honeyjumpers are kicky, oogley, AND real George. Check it.


Bunch of Believers turn ‘It Must be’ into a whole new ska game with “So Many Santas.” This is often a point AGAINST the Saint. And the comparison to JC doesn’t prop him up. But… it’s Ska! Cool.

I Don’t Know Margo grunges country to give us an adoring “Secret Santa.” Kinda rocks.

Allowing for the stupid fresh of Santa, Bob Seger & The Last Heard beseech with correct r’n’r reverence “Sock It to Me Santa.” Bud Logan reinterprets “Sock It to Me Santa” as electric country with disco twang. That IS different.

The Soul Saints Orchestra get back to the funk with “Santa’s Got a Bag of Soul.” This mid-’90s James Brown homage delivers on the henhs.

Brook Benton slops on the soul for a real “Soul Santa.” 1971 vulnerability. Man, that flute!

Flourish out with some fine War parody: “Sleigh Rider” by Santa’s Elves. That chingon es muy trucha.

St. Nick

Rockabilly doesn’t usually get this chill, but Thee Elfmen lay licks into “Santa Santa” that induce duckwalking–at most. Not swinging, but cool.

Jody Whitesides’s rock also holds back in “Sharing for Christmas.” But what’s so funny about good, cheer, and spirit?

Amidst the grunge of “Rise, Santa, Rise” come the lyrics: The sky, is calling; The sleigh, awaits its king. But Placeholder Confidential’s metal attitude doesn’t frighten so much as pledge to the Kringle his due.

Dipping a toe into psychedelia, Collaborateurs announces that Santa Claus is frozen Jello. Perhaps that’s only to rhyme with his epithet as a “Mellow Fellow.” Or perhaps it’s meant to melt your mind, in a giving way.

Secret Santa” is most often NOT the actual Santa, but a form of workplace abuse. Canned Hamm and Friends make of this idea a charming hash with hooded brotherhood initiation intonations. Oooh.

PeaceNick” is so laid back it’s come ’round again. Roy Zimmerman applies the Lefty attributes of Santa to a forensic sketch and gets this hippie portrait. Folk comedy.