Peek on Earth.17

The cast of ‘Naughty… But Nice’ reprise “Waiting up for Santa.” It’s for a date, and i don’t mean 12/25.

Charming kidsong features a peeper who starts hollering about this guy in a “Big Red Suitmessing with the Christmas tree. The Trail Band’s jug band recitation is pretty good.

Syrpyntyne parodies American Authors to relate “The Best Christmas on My Life.” You know, the one where you caught a glimpse through the window of you know who on Christmas Eve. Sneaking ensues.

Flooded Cellar just plain is gonna “Wait All Night for Santa.” American country garage. They gotta know what’s going on.It’s like that.


Not going to sleep is cramping Richie Valentino (feat. Dynasty the King)’s style in “Rum Pum Pum.” Synthed rap about wanting to get bizzy, but yule-blocked by those awake kids. Go to sleep!!

Mom and Dad know there’s no way I’m sleepin’ confesses Leanna Crawford with pop country sass in “Christmas Dreamin’.” It’s not sleep-dreamin’, ya see. It’s kid-wishin’ for all the goodies. Don’t doze!

I think of you late at night/When I can’t sleep sing Mutual Frogs full of heartbreak in the garage doodling “Melancholy Christmas.” It’s the most lonely time of the year.


Pat Boone keeps me up at nights with his velvety crag-voice trudging through carols like “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.” Santa Claus versus Sandman, quoth he with easy-listening woodwindery.

10,000 mile away from home/I cannot sleep, I cannot sleep retro rocks The Yule Logs with a jet lag concern during “Christmas in Berlin.” Life on the road!

Vista Blue rocks the garage with the eyelid struggle in the superior “Why Does It Take Forever?I can’t ever fall asleep/When it’s Christmas Eve!


Getting jazzy with the zither “Dreaming Dreams of Christmas” by Marlana Hillary rolls through childhood nostalgia, creating an existential loop of hope and regret.

While we’ve been exposed to songs about NOT dreaming (from Gilbert O’Sullivan) before on this blog, the Pete Jones parody: “I’m Really Not Dreaming Of A White Christmas” really sells the muddle of whether or not dreams happen.

Muzicchick’s “I’m Not Dreaming of a White Christmas” is EDM pontificating about how foolish our Xmas chatter is. It’s space age spiffy.

Plugging into punk garage The Aborted apply warped agenda to “I’m Dreaming Of A Caucasian Christmas.” Preaching to the queer, brother.

Smooth Roof

Can you just skip the chimney?

Michelle Hill and The Snowflakes garage up the indie “All I Want For Christmas Is Food (Passover My Chimney).” Perhaps Hebrew in origin, these folks just say No to the el.

Fountain Dew reveals the aluminum foil and lightbulb which means “The Fireplace is a Hoax.” Claus blocked! Effective garage.

More assertively, Dick Blowtorch wails garage electronica about “Waiting by da Chimney with a Baseball Bat (Oh Yeah).” I feel his pain (in my ears).

Santaphilic.12 VERY BLUE ALERT

Markologic kicks off Santa sex with this unambiguity that fucking Father Christmas is usually pretty same sex. “I’m Going to Fuck Santa Claus” is a lively (and funny) rap about fulfilling conjoining.

BeanzTaken gets even more graphic with the gay in the childlike rap of “I Fucked Santa.” Just finding their way.

Lil Frik identifies with the ASLO immortal OG homie Kringle. “I Fucked Santa Claus” is workmanlike rap without much passion. In and out.

Song Boys play more punk (pop) with their tell-all “Merry Christmas (I Just Fucked Santa.” Got ‘r done.

Jesus Penis growls out the garage rage of “I Sodomized Santa Claus” like it was a butthole of a chore. Whew.

Gunna Celebrate.26 Nosler


Responding to the noise of someone coming “Down My Chimney,” the narrator in Alder H. Linden Music’s musical (rap?) experience DOES ask questions first.

Stronie goes to the trouble through hair rock to advise putting down the guns in the festive “Raise a Glass.” Tiny bit rando, there.

The experimental rap “Don’t Shoot My Birds, Santa” by DJ Bowler Hat establishes a number of bluebirds, and the imminence of death. But beyond that, i’m stymied.

Some kids made a song. “Don’t Shoot Santa.” They call themselves [image control]. It’s kinda good. Okay. Garage rock like. Yeah. So, no shooting. Or being alone.

Gunna Celebrate.218 Bee

Somebody loves ‘A Christmas Story.’ Not me. Maybe these guys.

DJ UnEq samples catch phrases to a mix beat for “Shoot Your Eye Out (4-track demo).” It gets crazy. Danceable? Jury’s out.

Then there’s Fall Out Boy’s “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out“–a real millennial meh about the holidays. Indie about not wanting you, or home, or anything. Not about guns, just the metaphor thingie. (angel chipmunks this nicely.)

Wrap It Like A Christmas Present, Or Yule Shoot An Eye Out” is an all you can’t stand buffet of sexual metaphors using yuletide terms from DG. Shooting must be… oh. Sloppy rap.

Matt Wixson’s Flying Circus punks up “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out” with narration from that movie to some slight amusement.

RKVC musicalizes many of the memorable lines from that movie with some bompin’ club music in “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out.” The title’s the chorus.

Through Means Through

Some might say I’m codependent, I don’t care, allows Brinkwater & Hammeta in their light pop “Christmastime’s the Worst“–unless I’m with you. Loving, perhaps, but using the significant other as a human shield for family holiday events is pushing it.

Migratory Animals go so far as to Blah blah blah in their “Happy Christmas to Me.” Well, it could be La la la, but this garage rock takes few prisoners.

For The Putz it was “The Worst Christmas Ever” when you stepped out and didn’t quite return by gift-exchanging time. Pop with a hard rock backbeat.

Toughskins, on the other cheek, figure “It Could be Worse” if you were here for Xmas. Unapologetic garage.