Peek on Earth.2

AI from Udio militarizes “Waiting Up for Santa” into a pop spree of glee. There’s breath holding!

Indiana Drones remixes ‘Saw Mommy Kissing’ like an AI in the hypnotizing “Christmas Creep.” This’ll be the only mention of that other song this month.

Well, maybe not. “Santa’s Sack” from Kunt and the Gang BLUE ALERT witnesses the witnessing of Gramma and Santa and–i can’t even…. (Nasty as hell pop.)

I Was Waiting Up For Santa Claus (The Fireman’s Christmas Song)” is an off key keeper from many years ago by Paul J Reilly about getting a good look at that overweight overlord of overabundance. Easy listening kid stuff. Mercy.


Welcome back to The Russian Futurists who’s problem involves: I was lying in bed with you thinking about her/And trying to sleep off god awful powders. But with “100 Shopping Days ’til Christmas” these industrialist rappers bebop their way to mending a longing that’s yet to consummate. BLUE ALERT

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, sings the sad kid “When Christmas Comes to Town” in ‘The Polar Express’ soundtrack. Show tune heights from Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore.

Lobo (‘Me and You and a Dog Named Boo’) gets easy listening relaxed AFTER the kids have gone to sleep. “Late Christmas Eve” is now awake time for the older ones. Tired, but happy to be up.


Welcome back tobyMac with “This Christmas (Father of the Fatherless),” wherein an orphan imagines a man outside his door who comforts him when he can’t sleep. It ain’t Santa. Hard syncopated R+B joyousness from misery.

Suffering from the onset of moderate to extreme existential angst, Pearl Jam begs “Let Me Sleep (It’s Christmas Time).” Cacophonic garbledy grunge. So dark….

I know you’re weary/We both could use some sleep admits Amy Grant. The children are already there. But “Baby, It’s Christmas” so she’s go other ideas. Easy listening urges.


Harpsichord noodling adds class to the middle of the road pop “Dreaming Dreams of Christmas” by The Taylors. Strong vocals, muzzy imagery.

Less graciously, Fightmilk makes merry/jittery pop for “I’m Dreaming of a Christmas (Where You Just Explode).” Bad gifts, bad karma.

I’m Dreaming of an Out Christmas” from Hannah Jackson is less about wishing and hoping and more about dreading and delaying. Appropriately redneck country.

A Dream of Peace at Christmastime” is Christopher Cross and soft rock bellyaching about all you ill at heart sort. Kumbaya, ‘kay?

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Haven’t had enough of Lower Lights? Unplugged and rugged, “Mary’s Lullaby” harmonizes urgently. There’s a message here.

Phyllis Travis’s “Christmas Lullaby” checks all the boxes for a lullaby, but with its easy listening fuzzy vocals it works on a verisimilitudinal level.

David Michael Carrillo drones through “The Christmas Lullaby (God’s Love Revealed)” with capable strumming and one-note singing. Can’t get too musical when it’s for the Lord.

Christmas Lullaby” by John Dato Valentine is overly chime-y, but in music-box style its repetitious lyrics and just fine for the job they’re assigned to do.

Sol Roach doesn’t seem to know when to come in or what key to reach in his “Christmas Lullaby.” But he does keep going….

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David George and The Crooked Christmas Orchestra squeeze a serious lullaby “Tonight’s Child” from their den of iniquity. Excellent bluesy kidsong.

Tony Martino wants to tell his little one a story in his “Christmas Lullaby.” It’s The Christmas story, but it’s set to early ’60s rock’n’roll. Hep.

Non-English warbling from Dominika Jurczuk-Gondek (Nieznany) tells “The Christmas Lullaby” with discordant pop and protest vocals. This is kidsong?!

Back to the faith, Faith Evans that is. “A Christmas Lullaby” is a smoky, seductive come on with just enough R+B to haunt me.

More mellifluous, Kristin Guerrero sparkles with her “Christmas Lullaby.” It’s all about the manger baby. Easy listening with underlying gospel.

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It’s Jesus we want to sleep that first night, though, right? Tender and mild? He’s a baby! Sleep or Herod’ll find you!

Hark again! John Denver mentions the Nativity when he misses Colorado while in Australia during his countrified “Christmas Like a Lullaby.” Voice like a cherub!

Becca Lee Roberts settles on Dolly as a performing choice in her “Christmas Lullaby.” Country for God. (Spoiler alert: the baby dies as an adult.)

The Statler Brothers set their “Brahms Bethlehem Lullaby” to–well, Brahms. You know the one. But it’s Jesus all the way for them!

The Heffners set their “Christmas Lullaby” in Bethlehem. Lots of harp and harmonizing rounds, so–the full monty of lullaby elements.

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Melanie (remember ‘Brand new Key’?) takes us to her dreamworld in her “Christmas Lullaby.” Sardonic pop that asks What price love?

The Gingerbread Boys bribe you to sleep with smoldering voices and slow pop in their “Christmas Lullaby.” They simply cannot wait….

Trade Martin tries to stay awake, but his (Burt Bacharach inspired) “Christmas Lullaby” is just too smooth. Oh, and he’s in love with YOU.

Mary Smith channels THE Mary with “A Christmas Lullaby.” Folk/easy listening that knows harpstrings are heartstrings. Pluck away!

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Kelly Willard returns us to quiet worship with her “Christmas Lullaby.” I could sleep to this country-hymn.

Shy Nature’s “Christmas Lullaby” address the double standard of off to bed by ten and no rest for the children….

The Jamborees close in on the children’s pop with their “Christmas Lullaby.” It’s that heartbeat backbeat that’ll lull ya… but, then it gets LOUD.

Julie Lendon Stone also gets a bet stentorian with her “Christmas Lullaby.” A bit operatic for the chilluns, dear. I like the meta, tho.

Why Couldn’t It Beard Christmas Everyday?

[I Saw Mommy Kiss Santa] Last Night” has a famous line about tickling under the beard. Still, i dry heave to hear the original. Perhaps the Yule Logs with their surf pop reorchestration can soften the bile.

A pop lesson in history from John Edmond tells us about “The Very First Father Christmas.” It’s mostly about stockings, but the beard gets a mention.

A pop lesson in culture from Kerstin Adeström, Ola W Jansson & Sami Yousri piano bars “The Swedish Way to Celebrate” Christmas. Their Santa may appear unconventionally, but he’s still got that long white stuff at the bottom of his punim.