A Month of Love: The Skaggs Family

One aspect of love in the New Testament affection, wherein Baby J embodies The Holy Head-Guy’s love for all us’n. Christmas is thus the introduction of perfect love. Amen.

“Love Came Gently,” penned by Marty Funderbark only a dozen years ago (from aught i can tell), poetically plays out this personification through the Nativity. It’s pretty.

Many a congregational choir has comforted seekers with this balm/psalm. My fave-o is the hold-it… hold-it… hold-that-note rendition by Christmas Blessing (featuring the Salvation Army Band).

You can ‘tube the other soloists to compare nuances… they are all cut from the same orchestration machination to me. I’ll encore with Mrs. Ricky Skaggs. That family gives good Christmas album. So here’s Sharon White Skaggs with “Love Came Gently.”

A Month of Love: Jars of Clay

Jars of Clay is a TN alt rock from a while ago. Not a follower, but gotta give them props for an early hit (“Rudolph Smells Like Teen Spirit“). It’s the old carol, y’see… but it’s sung to a goth rock… It made my nice list.

They also reinterpret the 1885 “Love Came Down at Christmas” which has been a minor holiday sensation, not yet a classic. Theirs is only one of the tunes the holy poem has been set to over the centuries. (For a classic version of the song, check out the Choir of King’s College at Cambridge.)

A Month of Love: Billy Idol

Never fade away… live fast, die young… angry looks foolish on the old.

I mean, when should the punk icons of back in the day just knock it off?

The MTV star of the ’80s (‘Rebel Yell,’ ‘White Wedding,’ James Marsters’s character in Buffy) helped mainstream screaming with piercings rather than hair. But, apart from a “comeback” album in ’05, Mr. Broad hasn’t been much of anything for twenty years. Here is his “Christmas Love” frumpy country growling from ’07. It’s easier to love him without an up-to-date jpeg, by the by.

A Month of Love: The Jackson 5

“Give Love on Christmas Day” debuted on a Jackson 5 album around 1970. The cut was no ‘Up on the Housetop,’ but it has endured. In fact, 5’s Motown sound has inspired many a group to gospel heights. So this song has many aspiring children.

New Edition capture that Jackson 5 mellow richness in a near perfect echo to the original.

The Temptations go stratospherically falsetto with their version. Piercing.

SWV sing it like children, not beautiful adult women.

More recently, Johnny Gill has gone solo with the song. All the need for love, quintuple the soul.

The same year Ledisi leaned hard into the R+B of the song and gave us another present (just this side of disco).

And then Yolanda Adams did it. She’s done better. Hers is more pop than soul.

Slightly to the East are further interpretations (KathNiel, Sarah Geronimo, Danny Espanto), and oh about another dozen or so folks of all colors–everyone with an impressive vocal range wants to nail this slider.

But, let’s get back to basics with the original: Jackson 5’s “Give Love on Christmas Day.” (No directions on how to wrap it.)

A Month of Love: ProjectHappiMusic

Love makes us goofy.

When we exhibit goofy in love a bit too much, we probably need a deprogrammer.

Projecthappimusic seems to be run by Loren Lemon dedicated to bringing all human beings together into one big fat hug. Their Christmas song “I Love You! It’s Christmas Time!” endeavors to teach you to say the L-word in many languages. Yuletide’s in there, too, i guess. Maybe you should be sitting down for this one.

A Month of Love: Stevie Wonder, Kimberly Brewer

Duets sound less desperate as love songs, don’t they?

United Nations Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder is known for ‘Superstition,’ ‘You are the Sunshine of My Life,’ and ‘I Just Called to Say I Love You.’ Blind Mr. Morris nee Judkins has been changing how music has been made for decades.

’90s serial back up singer Kimberly Brewer has been paired most successfully with Wonder.

Their number here (“I Love You More”) is from an old TV Christmas special. It barely mentions the holidays, even says he loves here more than Jesus (i think). But love makes us lose track of the seasons… right?

A Month of Love: Sara Bareilles

Happy Groundhogs Day, Bill Murray!

Sara Bareilles is a powerful voice in soft, meaningful pop music. She hit big with an iTunes free song of the day back in ’07 and has been nominated for Grammies several times. The Obamas have invited her to sing for events. She’s cool.

Check out her delicate, soulful “Love is Christmas.”