A Month of Love: Sara Bareilles

Happy Groundhogs Day, Bill Murray!

Sara Bareilles is a powerful voice in soft, meaningful pop music. She hit big with an iTunes free song of the day back in ’07 and has been nominated for Grammies several times. The Obamas have invited her to sing for events. She’s cool.

Check out her delicate, soulful “Love is Christmas.”

A Month of Love: James Brown

February means 1/2-way between the shortest day of the year and the equinox. And it means black history. And it means presidents.

And it means love–for St. Valentine’s sake.

The Godfather of Soul was 73 when he passed… On Christmas Day! (back in ’03). Although a drug user and domestic abuser, he shaped rock and roll in terms of the black man. He was one of the first inductees when the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened in ’86.

Best known for his ’60s breakthroughs ‘Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag’ and ‘I Got You (I Feel Good),’ our current love song, “Christmas is Love,” comes from the same time period, his same era of carnal power and strength.

The Future: Robots (2)

The big star in Santa Robots is from the Matt Groening cartoon Futurama. Despite the show’s musicality, however, there’s no good santa-is-a-robot song from the series.

So here’s Bear Ron’s tribute to the show’s murderous Kringle: “Sci Fi Santa.” It’s got that unplugged end-of-the-world country music feel to it. (Not sure why robo-claus needs a robo-pup, though.)

The Future: Robots (1)

Santa might be a robot… he’s indefatigable, omnipresent, and instant.

Twelve2five deliver rave tech music. So i wouldn’t worry about the content so much. “Santa Bot” is just an electronic ride. Weee.

Robot Santa” by Four2one makes even less sense. I guess the whispery raps are naughty so BLUE ALERT. You’re on your own with this one, gang.

The Musers’ girlish chanting “Robot Santa” pushes my limit for modern electronic. Science fiction is starting to suck.

I renew my faith with Bret McKenzie (of the Flying Conchords) in Blazer Faith creating a video (apparently as a Target commercial… i missed this on TV). “Electronic Santa” rocks! or at least discos! It’s toy delivery and a party.

The Future: Outer Space (5)

Enough about Santa!

What about US in outer space having a grand old holiday?!

Much as i would love to take you on a tour of the solar system for Christmas on Mars, etc.–i can find no such musical love.

So how about we stay within our own orbit?

Well, UFO Phil is adamant that “There’s No Christmas on the Moon.” This retro ’60s kiddie rock, reveals the conspiracy of NASA to ruin Christmas with Apollo 11.

So to set the record straight, here is Songs for Children (is that the name of the band?) with “Christmas on the Moon.” Wotta youthful imagination!

Glenn Smith gets even more silly with “Christmas on the Moon” with the green cheese and the man in the… Wait–too childish and wildly waifish?

How about one this one: Runaway Symphony with “Christmas on the Moon“? The soft rock with overtones of Celtic lilting throughout gives U2 a run for their science fiction Christmas song money.

Detroit’s The GO tries a pop-rock variation with their “Christmas on the Moon.” Uncle Charlie and all the kids are talkin’ ’bout it.

Ready to moon rock out? Get down and dirty rockabilly with Slick Moss Explosion and “Christmas on the Moon.” Yeah, baby.

The Future: Outer Space (4)

Astronauts are our heroes. Santa is our hero. Easy to confuse them. Even today T. Graham Brown gets country swing with “Santa Claus is Coming in a UFO.” Some shredding axe there.

But back in the ’50s (where we’ve been this week), no less than Lawrence Welk’s band cashed in on the happy hopes for rocket travel. Here’s the Lennon Sisters (with some little girls helping) singing “Outer Space Santa.” Beep Beep Beep!


The Future: Outer Space (3)

“Santa Goes Modern” also tells of that jolly old elf hippin’ up to a flying saucer to make the rounds. Originally from the American Song Poem Project, wherein budding lyricists sent in their scribbling and their dollars to a hit-making-machine, and thern underworked musicians churned out singles for the hopeful. This laughing, rambling oddity has also been covered by cult alt band Yo La Tengo. Wild, weird, wintry.

But give it up for Rod Rogers and the Librettos and the original “Santa Claus Goes Modern.” Kids! Cringe along!

The Future: Outer Space (2)

Bobby Helms could be the godfather of rock ‘n’ roll Christmas novelty songs with his 1957 ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ and his early contribution to all things rockabilly.

But, the late ’50s is afire with the space race, so let’s not overlook the B-side to that Xmas hit: “Captain Santa Claus and His Reindeer Space Patrol.” We know not to be afraid with our man in red in space.

The Future: Outer Space (1)

Most cool outer space Christmas is based on Santa. As baby boomers grew up through the space race, they began to see how Santa could visit every kid’s house in just one night (not time travel! that’s silly!). It was through rocket ship technology, whether atomic or magical.

Check out Doreen Allen getting all rockabilly with Johnny Collins & The Caravans in their “Spacey Santa’s Spaceship.” Cute kid warblers were small town success for Bible business from the turn of the Last Century. Then money from vaudeville gave us Shirley Temples. And more money from the beginning of rock ‘n’ roll gave us The Collins Kids. Not sure when this music was recorded, but it wails.