Influenza can be influential on your holiday joy. What could be worse? (We’ll find our tomorrow.)
Bubble Gum Becky from Mighty Magical Pants tells us nothing could be worse than the “Flu on Christmas.” Gift over!
Right Between the Ears parodies ‘Blue’ with “Flu for Christmas.” Stage frightening.
Prophylactically, nurses from Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals lip sync to the parody “I Don’t Want a Christmas with Flu” sung by Jennifer Redston. Fun-lovers, yeah, they want you to get shot. (Um, a shot.)
ELFIS also warns “I Want an H1N1 Shot for Christmas.” Swine Flu phobia, much. It’s a ‘Hipopotamus’ take off.
‘Course Bob Rivers delivers with his ‘Sleigh Ride’ parody “Flu Ride.” Classy coughing routine.