Snow Way: flakes sr.

I’m not saying snowflakes mean love for the adults. But they are…

Bryant Oden has some synthy pop in his “Snowflake Kisses.” Young love is so fast!

Jason Chen is more puppy dog breathy with his “Snowflake.” Earnest pop love song. She could do better.

Slow it down with a lonely guy (and his guitar) in a dark room. Playful, almost Hawaiian, folk from Ernest Mistica in “Snowflake.” ‘Nother hour of practice and we’ll have something.

Laid back bouncy bluegrass from Pickin’ On in the form of “Trailer Trash (feat. Iron Horse)” mentions snowflakes, so here’s Sasha Armani jockin’ and syncin’ with his “Snowflake Song.” Fun. We may be a tad off topic.

Simo Dacanay rotates us back to the holidays with “Snowflake,” another power pop pouter about you, baby.

Amp it up with Amber Sky Records (feat. Adam Courtney) tearing up party rock with their “Snowflake Song.” The harder the backbeat, the deeper the love.


Let’s round up with ’66 country rock: funny, but also musical! Jim Reeves sings “Snowflake” to his sweetie ‘cuz he met her when it was cold (‘though i think she’s never warmed to him).