MANY XMAS Stockings

Each Xmas stocking is individual, except for those clearance items at Target.

Tom Paxton folk sings kidsong about his “Christmas Stocking“… and his sister’s, too. He’s REALLY looking forward to all the treasures he’ll find there Christmas Day–including a tree (?).

“Two Little Stockings” is Tim Dinkins’s old style country chatty tragedy. In this little boy tragedy, he wants to help out a poor girl he’s sweet on.

Three Stockings By The Tree” by Joe Egan is endearing new parent vibing all over slow pop music. A new addition will need another stocking! Awww.

I, Greyhound sings it straight with “Baby’s First Christmas.” It won’t care about the stocking, but will shit all over the place. Folk from the hip.

The Christmas Stocking” by The Caroleer Singers and Orchestra turns out to be many different sizes and shapes from many different places. One to a customer, though. This kidsong takes you around the world.