Xmas is the time to dress up. Or is that the weather? Baritone intones in his word jazz opus: you’ve dress to the nines with jewels that sparkle, Now it feels like Christmas, I love… “The First Snow.” Lounge jazz with a Barry White coolness.
Leon Shelly gets more figurative with his “Ideal Paradigm.” This industrial folk wants an angel Under the Christmas tree, Unwrap her decorative paper, Beads of rosary, Dressed to the nines. Holiday ideals.
Coleman Spruce jingles some fine folk/honky tonk pop when he celebrates “It’s Christmas Here, Again.” It’s a fine line when I pour the wine, Be it red or white or nine seems to mark fine dining and partying, but then launches into some odd ‘Christmas Carol’ allusions.
“Jiggy Christmas” includes turkey sizzling with fried rice and Groomsmen more than nine guys. Figure that’s dressing UP. But the Yoruba from Yung Ziggy dresses up the wishes even more.