Did someone lay the blame on the return of Xmas blues at the door of the bank? Is it debt, that’s worryin’ ya, Johnny?
“Broke Again This Christmas” is Mike Rob howling offkey about trying to keep up with your wishlist, baby. Painful ballad. Then bad rap.
Country pop from Retrotech (is that a metronome?) worries the season with “Broke Again This Christmas.” Is there a light at the end of the shelter?
More to the point, punk whinging from The Mansfields allow they’re “Broke on Christmas Again.” Didn’t expect much other.
Jordan McAlinden winds down the Britguilt with a lighter pop number “‘Tis the Season to be Broke Again.” Don’t gamble it away, Da!
Mobius VanChocStraw lays down legit blues with “Broke Again for Christmas.” He’s outta money, honey (yours as well). Same ol’ story.