Open Your Eyes Christmas

I lost my place… WHO is supposed to wake up for Xmas?

Krista Detor does that whiskey-voiced seduction with “Awake the Voice” in which her indie jazz has angels whisper in order to bring out our good. Layers.

Awake Ye Scary Great Olde Ones” refers to Cthulhu and other Lovecraftian horrors. Set to ‘God Rest Ye’ by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society, this parody proffers dotty followers to invoke endtimes for Xmas. (My sister gave me a whole other collection of ‘Horrifying Holiday Hymns’ for last Christmas, so it’s officially a thing.)

“Shepherds Arise” is an earthy ancient folk harmony round about how those guys lying about in the fields might wanna grab a spectator spot for the whole birth thing bing in 0 A.D. It’s usually a caterwaul of annunciation, as with The Young Tradition, But i find Voice Squad adds a bit of tonality to the product thus imbuing it with more soul. (Thomas Schippers · Gian Carlo Menotti · Chet Allen · Leon Lishner · David Aiken spookify it to unrecognizability.)

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