Sidebar! “Let’s Take a Peek in the Manger – God is Great!” by Jennie Williamson and AriSon is uplifting kidsong for all those holy voyeurs.
Sam Manning goes on a trek “Looking for Me Santa Claus.” Into the white neighbors’ yards! Classic Caribbean so it smacks of big band. Delish!
The Rev. Horton Heat gaffes when his Daddy uses a ladder Xmas Eve to get on the roof. Did he see “Santa on the Roof“? Yeah, and he said go to bed. Quick thinkin’, Pops. Rockabilly greatness.
It’s been a while since i listened to some Dr. Duke Tomatoe, but must needs heed his warning “Look Out It’s Santa!” Do you think he has a gun! Yes, eyes open, all. Bluesy rock.