Peek on Earth.20

I’m thankful for the reprise of Make Like Monkeys with “What U Got?,” a sinister retro pop tale of accidentally awakening for Mr. Claus–but then going into full hostage taking mode. Grand theft Santa.

The lead titles for the 2008 LionsGate cartoon movie “Gotta Catch Santa Claus” (starring William Shatner) (based on the comic book) has the same title, lyrics, and jazzy cool you’d expect. Carl Lenox sings in a laid back kinda way. It’s only to prove he’s real to non-believers

The Fun Squad are also “Gonna Catch Santa Claus” but their showtune sleaze is in order to get answers to the hard questions. Think shortstuff heist.

Andy Beck and Brian Fisher heap on another grade school number “Catch That Santa,” a sneaky swing kidsong that seems to have fewer morals than the others.