Peek on Earth.18

Let’s get a little more proactive in this Xmas Eve spy game. We’re not just going to eyeball the man with the bag… we’re going to lay hands upon him.

Sure you can say “I Caught Santa in Our Fridge” as Keith Pendergrast caterwauls with Aussie folk. But this kidsong nabs not the great one. It only reinforces the fat stereotype.

Or you can say “I Caught Santa Claus Sniffing Cocaine” as Nick After AIs with some Motown funky-fun. Holy unholy!

The Song Trust return to take “A Picture of Santa Claus.” Folksy kidsong that makes heroes of paparazzi. The Enquirer is buying.

More AI from Mischievous Melodies slathers on the euphemism when the sleeping ‘dame’ big bands “I Caught Santa Jingling His Bells.” Naughty? Nasty!