Peek on Earth.13

What else can we catch Santa at, peeking like we do? Ron McNeal recounts “The Night I Saw Santa Claus Pray.” Spoken word with bad lighting–was it real?

Once again “I Saw Santa Prayin’,” but this time it was Pat Boone who broke the story with easy listening pop. Just so you know who’s in charge.

The Mighty Wurlitzer Radio Hour enables nostalgists with spankin’new retro visits to the ’40s and ’50s radio broadcasts. Their showtune big number from 2014 is “Waitin’ Up for Santa.” Huzzah and twenty-three skidoo.

Back to country with Logan Mize’s “I Saw Santa In a Bar.” Country pop like they do nowadays to fill the stadiums. I may not believe this particular story. A boat?