Peek on Earth.18

Let’s get a little more proactive in this Xmas Eve spy game. We’re not just going to eyeball the man with the bag… we’re going to lay hands upon him.

Sure you can say “I Caught Santa in Our Fridge” as Keith Pendergrast caterwauls with Aussie folk. But this kidsong nabs not the great one. It only reinforces the fat stereotype.

Or you can say “I Caught Santa Claus Sniffing Cocaine” as Nick After AIs with some Motown funky-fun. Holy unholy!

The Song Trust return to take “A Picture of Santa Claus.” Folksy kidsong that makes heroes of paparazzi. The Enquirer is buying.

More AI from Mischievous Melodies slathers on the euphemism when the sleeping ‘dame’ big bands “I Caught Santa Jingling His Bells.” Naughty? Nasty!

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The cast of ‘Naughty… But Nice’ reprise “Waiting up for Santa.” It’s for a date, and i don’t mean 12/25.

Charming kidsong features a peeper who starts hollering about this guy in a “Big Red Suitmessing with the Christmas tree. The Trail Band’s jug band recitation is pretty good.

Syrpyntyne parodies American Authors to relate “The Best Christmas on My Life.” You know, the one where you caught a glimpse through the window of you know who on Christmas Eve. Sneaking ensues.

Flooded Cellar just plain is gonna “Wait All Night for Santa.” American country garage. They gotta know what’s going on.It’s like that.

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Sometimes seeing ol’ Nick is the problem. There he is on T.V., there he is in the store, there he is at the urinal… Richard Melvin Brown reprises “Who is the Real Santa Claus?” to compound the matter with easy listening pop.

Believe it or not, Professor Steve saw Santa “Last Night.” You know it’s true ‘cuz he sings folk about it.

Pretend rock’n’roll from The Beach Boys retools ‘Saw Mommy Kissin” with “[I Saw Santa] Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree.” The witness has spoken.

Robyn Scott gets full on country with “I Saw Santa Last Night.” I presume this confession is on Xmas day.

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Reprising “I Saw Santa Dancing in the Dark” Gary Wilson jams electronically about that time someone saw something and didn’t say something.

Sometimes it’s not where you see Santa, it’s WHEN. The Naughty List’s “I Saw Santa on Halloween” raises more questions than it answers. Awesome garage.

Nicky Ager & Debbie Isitt sling soul from 2014’s ‘Nativity 3 Dude, Where’s My Donkey?!’ in the form of “Stay Up All Night (To See Santa).” High production values run out before we find out what they saw and when they saw it.

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A reprised sighting from The JAC, “I Saw Santa with a Gun” is a gentle folk child’s shopping nightmare worth a re-whirl. Therapy on aisle 19, please.

From ‘A Christmas Memory’, the musical of a Truman Capote memoir, the kids are running about (xylophonically) hog wild peeking to see reindeer fly in “Just Once!” Showtune for middle America.

Bluegrass gospel enchants “Last Night I Saw Santa Clause.” Rocky Zharp does the visual in the sky, so …maybe God?

Kirv Music discos the rap to announce “I Saw Santa in the Club Last Night.” It was quite a scene, all told. EDM to all, and to all a dance fever.

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What else can we catch Santa at, peeking like we do? Ron McNeal recounts “The Night I Saw Santa Claus Pray.” Spoken word with bad lighting–was it real?

Once again “I Saw Santa Prayin’,” but this time it was Pat Boone who broke the story with easy listening pop. Just so you know who’s in charge.

The Mighty Wurlitzer Radio Hour enables nostalgists with spankin’new retro visits to the ’40s and ’50s radio broadcasts. Their showtune big number from 2014 is “Waitin’ Up for Santa.” Huzzah and twenty-three skidoo.

Back to country with Logan Mize’s “I Saw Santa In a Bar.” Country pop like they do nowadays to fill the stadiums. I may not believe this particular story. A boat?

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Steven Paterson disparages the whole poverty at Xmas deal with the folk complaint “Has Anyone Seen Santa Claus?” Not seeing is not believing.

From the Winter Concert December 2019 in the Fraser Performing Arts Center at Fraser High School, the Fraser Youth Choir glees all over “On the Roof (I Saw Santa Claus).” Old time rock and howl.

A Christmas Story” may be fiction. The Song Trust use spoken word to recount how not only is Santa seen, he’s ridden alongside, and snacked by. The night never seems to end, until the narrator awakens that is.

More adult shenanigans from Leo Howse pops the rock of “I Saw Santa Claus Throw Up in Wetherspoons.” Sounds like someone can place him at the scene. Great fun.

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Reprising “It’s Christmas Time Again,” Harley Poe rocks us down the rabbit hole of chainsaw terror about a Santa you Do Not Want to See.

He saw/she saw in “If I Saw Santa Claus” by Billy Mancini, Enzo Mancini, & Miah Whitmore. They all want love, and know who they have to see and pop sing to to get some. Rap bridge!

Usually a solitary event, “The Night We Saw Santa Claus” becomes a folk pop moment for father and son Ken and Patrick Simpson. Sweet stuff, but you can tell a five-year-old helped out here.

I Saw Santa Claus in a Bar” ululates Grandma Gnaw w/Sofia tambourini. The beat is on in this carnival indie. What was Santa doing there?

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The Guide Family includes the kids who haven’t learned language skills yet to belt out “I Saw Santa Claus.” Hard pop whatever.

Almost as unintelligibly, Patrick O’Connor gargles “I Saw Santa Claus Rocking Christmas.” Nice guitar solo, but the genre swerves into easy listening elevator.

The Ohio City Players may be borrowing a Tom Waits style to begin the story of the “Santa Claus Stakeout.” But their jazzy indie ends badly… or doesn’t end(?). This one’s a moody masterpiece.

Robert Piccione claims “I Saw Santa Claus” at the corner saloon asking for the mens. Spoken word storytelling featuring humanity’s lowest common denominators. Yeesh.

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I Saw Santa Claus! (And He Saw Me)” is a jug band yarn spun by Christian Cordes. Believable? Hmmm…. Enjoyable? Hell to the Ho! (And what DOES the old guy do when espied–???)

New Kids on the Block squeeze out some blues rock to encapsulate their incredulity that “Last Night I Saw Santa Claus.” Y’all. Mighta been a hallucination when i listen more carefully.

Jim Keyes figures big band is the way to announce a kid “Spying on Santa.” It’s big and bold and not sneaky at all. Celebratory.

Also astounded was Platinum Trophy who rock out “I Saw Santa Claus at Lil Danny’s.” This mighta been a drunken stupor, though.