
We stayin’ up all night raps Ghostface Killa in the rollicking “Ghostface X-mas.” Is HE Santa?

Cheesy teen pop from Mandy Corrente orders us “Let’s Enjoy Christmas” by singing, dancing, laughing… and staying up all night. You know, there’s somebody who sees if you’re asleep!

Let’s stay up all night I don’t want nothing but you babe, breathes Brieanna Grace in “It’s Christmas.” Sultry pop that keeps me tossing and turning.

Good night!


Dedicated to all those up past their bedtimes, “It’s Christmas Time Again” is family-friendly rap from Tyler Van Den Berg. It’s a whole show.

Kelly Clarkson has reasons to be up late: I need your arms now /Wrap me up all night long in the R+B stormer “You for Christmas.” So not sleeping with–?

Less obvious, Courtney Lashelle claims she “Don’t Need Christmas” so long as she got you. Up all night I stay awake/Playing our favorite song, she R+B purrs… then soul shouts later to get your attention. Yes?


Welcome back Dan + Shay to country pop how they Can’t stay up past our bedtime /And pray for it to snow/’Til we “Pick Out a Christmas Tree.” Hypnotic.

More rap from Cha$e Woodie spits off “Holiday Insomnia.” The night will never be the same.

I’ll never stay up past my bedtime/Ever again bebops the corporate Kidsongs with “Santa, Please Don’t Forget Me.” The admission of staying up previously is all the evidence i need.


Midnight jollies up the lofi metal with “Insomnia,” not necessarily a holiday plunge into the depths of darkness, but relatable this time of year.

Insomnia” (LIVE) from Ladies of Death Row Swimsuit Calendar jangles and jumbles that time of the year into lucid damning. I assume it’s a young person club thing.

Akata Imhotep waxes philosophical with the rap “Ambitious.” It’s nearly Christmas, but: Insomnia had to be created by someone who is lazy. It’s about the hustle, son.


Christmas Insomnia Single” by The Chimney Swifts cuts right to it. Party rock about an illness that multiple ministrations cannot mitigate. Ow.

 Los Banditos de Christmas try for half a minute of child-hyperassertiveness with their folksy “Christmas Insomnia.” I’ll make Santa turn that sleigh around… is that what you want?!

Steve Pardo tries “Christmas Insomnia” as a psychedelic pop parade of problems. Not pretty, but garage-friendly.


Keep Me Up All Night” by Flickering (feat. G Curtis) hits all the marks, but the overproduction dampens the seductive mood this R+B song aspires to. Christmas seems a distraction here.

More entertaining tunes that barely comply BLUE ALERT: “Fuck It Let’s Go Bowling” from Schubert Doobert deals with drugs, responsibility, insomnia, and only to dream/Of a holiday meltdown.

Amateur parody is ALWAYS welcome here, so Quintessential Grace scores with me doing “Baby is Up All Night.” (It’s ‘Baby It’s Cold’ for the newly ‘renting.) Tee–psychologically traumatizing–hee.


Off-base here for the December holidays, but the Shavuot Song “Stay Up all Night” by Kerry Bar-Cohn is so meshugana and charming AND tango, i have to share. Now, write a staying up late song for Chanukah and i’ll replace this.

Staying up Past Midnight” by Andy Beisel & The Buccaneers is declamatory pop with some tea to spill about what the insomniac saw. An 8.5 on the fun-o-meter.

Simon Smith works out “Staying Up Late for Santa.” Reeks of AI, but this symphonic kidsong has a nice edge to it. The plan doesn’t exactly pan out, though. Still… presents! A puppy!!


Welcome back to The Russian Futurists who’s problem involves: I was lying in bed with you thinking about her/And trying to sleep off god awful powders. But with “100 Shopping Days ’til Christmas” these industrialist rappers bebop their way to mending a longing that’s yet to consummate. BLUE ALERT

No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, sings the sad kid “When Christmas Comes to Town” in ‘The Polar Express’ soundtrack. Show tune heights from Matthew Hall & Meagan Moore.

Lobo (‘Me and You and a Dog Named Boo’) gets easy listening relaxed AFTER the kids have gone to sleep. “Late Christmas Eve” is now awake time for the older ones. Tired, but happy to be up.


Not going to sleep is cramping Richie Valentino (feat. Dynasty the King)’s style in “Rum Pum Pum.” Synthed rap about wanting to get bizzy, but yule-blocked by those awake kids. Go to sleep!!

Mom and Dad know there’s no way I’m sleepin’ confesses Leanna Crawford with pop country sass in “Christmas Dreamin’.” It’s not sleep-dreamin’, ya see. It’s kid-wishin’ for all the goodies. Don’t doze!

I think of you late at night/When I can’t sleep sing Mutual Frogs full of heartbreak in the garage doodling “Melancholy Christmas.” It’s the most lonely time of the year.


Sestrumer leans in close and whispers of the horrors of poverty: We can’t sleep/Under this bridge./We are unlucky…my son.A.F.C. (Another Fucking Christmas)” deserves a BLUE ALERT, but more for brutal reality than obscenity. Multimedia indie.

Can’t go to sleep so I’m left feeling woker raps Lil Jiblet whining about mistreatment in “Christmas Accismus.” Playful rap that pulls punches.

I’ve been bad, my gifts are cheap, I can’t sleep/And dad ate my cookies, the cookies for Santa! moans The Downstreamers in their “Black Friday Anthem.” It may be the white-out end of the world, but it’s old school rock’n’roll to me.