Eight million billion may be too many children for Santa. “The Grinch’s Dream” by The Yev is happy fantasy from The Mean One about Christmas interruptus.
Noelle Rose has pretty mundane dreams: trees, snow, fa la la la. Is her dull pop “Christmas Dream” an illusion, or a Target commercial?
The “Christmas Dream” of the Tartan Lads is of home. The heath, the heather, the weather… ’tis Scotland! Jesus is name-dropped as well.
What is he dreaming? asks the Christmas Choir with Murgatroyd & Burrell. Well, in “Teddie’s Christmas Wishes” the stuffy wants a… friend! New age kidsong.
Isaac Nightingale (Вадим Капустин)’s “Christmas Dream,” on the other hand, is pictures in his mind. This jazz lounge journey has a bit more suspense.