Back to the NOVELTY songs, and i mean that in the worst way.
Sonny Bono and Little Tootsie smokescreen their talents with “Comin’ Down the Chimney,” a kidsong of no consequence, save for an odd clip-clop cowboy beat.
“WHEN SANTA CLAUS GOT STUCK IN THE CHIMNEY” written and performed by She And The Cat’s Mother is unglued indie electronica that should be avoided to be believed. What are angels singing about?
What’s a chimney for if not for “Climbing All Over Christmas.” Check out The Light with their pop music ADHD.
“Santa is a Chimney Diver” electronicas Error Enter Exit. Heavy Euro-accents, so i can’t tell if they’re condemning or commending.
The Rainbow Bozo lowers the bar with “Santa Pooped Down My Chimney.” How naughty do you have to be?! Lilting kidsong.