The Beard in the Mirror

After a minute and a half of background noises, Song Boys features an interrogating figure as “I’m Santa.” Not a song so much as a bad dream.

Hex 1134 toss us a trap Claus, rapping “Like I’m Santa.” You can call me Shatter Claus.

One of the coolest Santas still wants to soul/blues bitch how “It Ain’t Easy.” Shon Sanders (from the Idaho Ho Ho album) sells the sass.

Christmasboyz almost raps the folk sad tale related to them: “I’m Santa.” BLUE ALERT–not many good things go with the bag.

Mike Gibson’s “I’m Your Santa Claus” persona is a bit disappointed in you. Better not yell at me, he warns. Pouting seems okay, howevs. Rockin’ pop.