Look at Me, Everybody, See Who I Am–S.C.!

Launch Kontrol might overenunciate for the genre, but “My Name Is Santa and I’m a Punk Rocker” sells it. He’s like the glamdad you never had.

Third Earth’s “My Name is Santa Claus” adds some hand clapping jug band to pop rock, which results in twisty fun.

Robert McCormick’s “I’m Santa Claus” begins with a ‘Silver Bells’ accusation, but finally rolls into a full confession. Odd.

Johnny & The Raindrops list out the chores aspirationally in the retro rock “There are Lots of Things to Do When You’re a Santa.” Almost not worth it.

Pom Pom Squad’s deliciously camp over amped punk “Hello Santa Claus” introduces old 12/25 as a partier (And I don’t give presents to cops!). Tune in!