
We’ll deep dive into believing later, but the question of Is He Real? is a hot topic in Santa crit. Worth repeating is Lenny & Squiggy’s holiday pageant “The Jolliest Fat Man.” This folk take is comedy gold whether or no you’re a Laverne and Shirley fan.

Nick Thune talks straight to your kids about the Santa Lie. The folk slow-build-rock’s silver lining: “You’re Still Getting Toys.” Parental advisory.

Truman Proudfoot & David Kandal bring us down with the folksy bummer about a down and out mall Santa from a broken home. He’s “Someone Else’s Santa” this year. It’s an empty existence.

Red Crinkles, as a store Santa, exposes the actual “Fake Santa” as a SoCal fatcat Ponzi schemer in this amateur folk plunker.

Santa Is a Fake” blares Arne Hansen & The Guitarspellers in proper dad rock. The disillusion is a childish tantrum, albeit wonderful.

Also ticked off is David Moorhead when he realizes “Fake Santa’s a Dick.” Funked up blues as a public service.

The Kids recognize “The Santa at the Mall.” (It’s my uncle Paul!) Southern rock+da blues tell us what they do with that info.